Video: How to Tie the Conehead Bunny Leech


The Conehead Bunny Leech offers many of the attributes anglers look for in a streamer: it sinks well (once you get it wet), it moves a lot of water, and it has a lifelike action when you use a strip-and-pause retrieve. When the fly stops, it sinks, breathes, and undulates. You can tie this pattern in any color or combination of colors you like. I always carry black, olive, and bright yellow. I have caught plenty of pickerel on a yellow version in my local pond.

In this week’s video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler walks you through the process of tying this versatile pattern. Although it may look complicated and involve a lot of different tools (see the list below), the actual tying steps are quite simple–especially with Tim’s time- and frustration-saving tips. The use of the chips clips to manage the bunny strip is especially ingenious.

          Conehead Bunny Leech
 2X-long streamer/nymph hook (here, a Lightning Strike SN1), sizes 2-10.
          Head: Gold cone, small.
          Weight: Lead-free round wire, .020.
          Adhesive #1: Superglue or Fly Tyers Z-Ment.
          Thread: Black, 6/0 or 140-denier.
 Rabbit-fur Zonker strip.
          Body: Rabbit-fur dubbing, in a noodle.
          Adhesive #2: Head cement.
              • 2 chip clips
              • long-blade scissors
              • dubbing wax
              • dubbing whirl
              • plunger-style hackle pliers
              • bodkin
              • toothbrush.

Credit: Source link