Sinclair Refinery gifts $25k to Platte Valley Healthcare Project | Rawlinstimes


The Sinclair Wyoming Refining Company gave a grant of $25,000 to the Corbett Medical Foundation to support the Platte Valley Healthcare Project’s “Help Us Build a Strong Foundation” fundraising campaign.

The grant, given Dec. 16, came in response to a grant application filed by PVHP the day before deadline, according to Irene Archibald, treasurer for the PVHP.

“We got a tip about the grant from Jim Larscheid, a hospital supporter and a member of the refineries grant committee,” Archibald stated in a news release. “PVHP members were able to respond quickly to the opportunity since they are in the middle of their Strong Foundation campaign. Since it easily met SWRC guidelines, it was quickly approved.”

The Help Us Build a Strong Foundation is a $1 million dollar “stretch” fundraising campaign that is working to provide extra resources to upgrade the equipment and facilities for the new North Platte Valley Medical Center, to enable it to provide a higher level of care.

The grant will be used to help fund the purchase of a mobile X-ray machine. This device will initially be placed at the Platte Valley Clinic and will be moved to the new Medical Center when it is completed next year, according to Archibald.

$20k in physical therapy equipment also donated

An additional donation for the new hospital’s “stretch” fundraising campaign was received earlier in the month from Brad Ferguson of Laramie Peak Therapy; Ferguson in a physical therapist. He will be donating all his physical therapy equipment that is currently being used at the Saratoga Care Center therapy facility to equip the new physical therapy facility at the North Platte Valley Medical Center when it is completed next year. This “equipment is valued at over $20,000”, according to the press release announcing this gift.

Ferguson first discovered Saratoga some years ago on an extended fly-fishing sabbatical. When recruiters offered him a short-term position here he remembered Saratoga and was eager to accept it. When he was offered a permanent position he made Saratoga his home.

“This equipment will go a long way toward outfitting the physical therapy unit at the new hospital,” said George Haigh, PVHP secretary. “The donation includes several large pieces of equipment including a stair stepper, a weight tower and treadmill, that are important in physical therapy treatment.”

Want to donate?

Donations to the Build A Strong Foundation campaign can be made by donating online at or by writing a check to PVHP and mailing it to P.O. Box 549, Saratoga, WY 82331. To make other-than- monetary gifts to the PVHP, email

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