Video: How to Tie the Buzzball


The Buzzball was created by legendary fly tier Gary Lafontaine to imitate midge clusters on the Missouri River. It’s clearly a variation on the classic Griffith’s Gnat, but adds a second color and a different profile. Featuring just a hook, thread, and two hackle feathers, it’s a simple pattern, but it has proven its effectiveness over the past few decades.

In this week’s great video from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions, he shows you his method for tying a size 20 version of the Buzzball. As usual, Tim focuses on the preparation of materials, so when you tie them in, everything is in the right place and stays there. After a little trimming, the Buzzball is ready to fish.

          Hook: Straight-eye, wide-gap dry-fly hook (here a Lightning Strike DF3), sizes 14-20.
          Thread: Black Veevus, 16/0.
          Hackle #1: Grizzly hackle.
          Hackle #2: Orange grizzly hackle.
          Tools: Sharp scissors, hackle pliers, whip-finisher.

Credit: Source link