Community notebook | News, Sports, Jobs



Cassadaga Winter Festival

Wilson Endurance Frozen 50K at 8 a.m., 22 Mill St., Cassadaga. All proceeds benefit the Cassadaga Fire Police. Text Tonia Wilson at 716 353-1288.$10 preregistration; 11 a.m. snow sculpture contest; Fun on the beach from noon to 2 p.m. with DJ, fire pits, s’mores, tether ball, street hockey, drawings, hot chocolate, chili; SCREAM Polar Dip at 1 p.m. (registration fee $20) with proceeds benefiting Chautauqua County Cold Water Emergency Team and the beach; Surprise at the Library at 2 p.m.; Second Street Sunset from 7 to 10 p.m. at the Cassadaga Legion Post 1280.

Gowanda High School Spanish Club scrapbooking event

This fund-raiser to support the club’s trip abroad will take place from 8:30 7 p.m. in the cafeteria. The $40 fee includes a space to scrapbook, use of a cricut, lunch, dinner and a chance to win prizes. The cost is $30 for those not staying for dinner. Notify Ashley at by Jan. 28 to attend. Leave name, phone number, and if staying for dinner. A mask is required to enter the building. COVID protocols will be in place. Pay at the door or submit cash or check made out to Gowanda Spanish Club to the attention of Ms. Wright at GHS.

Al Tech Specialty Steel Retirees meeting

All retirees are invited to meet at Demitri’s Restaurant, Lake Shore Drive, Dunkirk at 8:30 a.m.

Town of Pomfret and Village of Fredonia free COVID test distribution

Pomfret and Fredonia residents must bring photo proof of residency to 9 Day St., Fredonia beginning at 9 a.m. for this drive up take home COVID test distribution.

Kick Cabin Fever (KCF) Indoor Triathlon

9 a.m. at Chautauqua Health and Fitness in the Turner Community Center, 4840 W. Lake Road, Chautauqua. Participants can register as solo or a team of three members. Cost: $35 per individual or $75 per team. Proceeds stay in Chautauqua County for suicide prevention. Visit

Fredonia Farmers’ Market

The Fredonia Farmers’ Market is held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday November through mid-May at the Masonic Lodge, 321 E. Main St., Fredonia. It features a variety of vendors, with special events TBA. See the Fredonia Farmers’ Market FaceBook page for updates.

Audubon Community Nature Center Festival

1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown. Register for timed entry between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by calling 716 569-2345 or click through “Upcoming Programs” at This outdoor festival features STEM activities, winter-themed games, nature hikes, snowshoeing, a mini skating rink (as weather allows), a bonfire and more. There will also be indoor opportunities to watch demonstrations, STEM activities, explore different hobbies, free books, an opportunity to build a nest box for $6, food and hot drinks. Entry is $8 for adults, $6 for Nature Center members and children 3 to 15, or free for 2 and under.

Lakeshore Humane Society open adoption hours

The Lakeshore Humane Society, 431 E. Chestnut St., Dunkirk, will hold open adoption hours from noon to 3 p.m. Regardless of vaccination status, masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn at all times on LHS grounds. Those who are ill, have tested positive for COVID, or have been near someone who has tested positive are asked to delay a visit. Tours of the facility will not be given. Individual appointments are available throughout the week. The Cat’s Meow Boutique will be open for purchases by the public. For details, call 716 672-1991.

1891 Fredonia Opera House Cinema Series

The 1891 Fredonia Opera House presents “C’mon, C’mon” at 7:30p.m. Joachim Phoenix stars as a kind-hearted radio journalist who takes his 8-year-old nephew on a journey to several cities to complete a project. Tickets are $7 for adults, $6.50 for Opera House members/seniors, $5 for students, At this time, ALL patrons are asked to wear masks when attending Opera House events.


Cassadaga Winter Festival

Meet at the Cassadaga Lake Nature Park, Route 60 at 9:45 for a tour, then cross-country skiing/snowshoeing from 10 to 11:30 a.m.; sledding at the Cassadaga Country Club from 1 to 3 p.m., hot chocolate and cookies.

Audubon Sunday Storytime

Children ages 2 to 8 and their caregivers are invited to a free nature-based storytime at the Audubon Community Nature Center, 1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown from 12:30 to 1 p.m. Sunday admission is also free. Come for storytime and stay to explore the indoor Nature Play Area, live animals and exhibits. Participation is limited to 15. Reservations by the previous day are suggested. Call 716 569-2345.

Northern Chautauqua Conservation Club annual meeting and election of officers

Meeting starts at 1 p.m. sharp, doors will be locked at 1 p.m. Members only, dues must have been paid by Jan. 31. Mullet Street, Dunkirk.

Southern Tier Bills Booster Club annual meeting

Dom Polski Club, Dunkirk at 2 p.m. Officers will be elected at this meeting.

Faculty Recital: Lynn McMurty, contralto and Alison D’Amato, piano

SUNY Fredonia Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 4 p.m.


Darwin R. Barker Library virtual storytime

Join via Zoom at 10:30 a.m. All programs are free of charge. All children are welcome. To register, send an e-mail including the child’s name and a phone number to

John T. Murray Post 1017 Auxiliary meeting

Members are asked to meet at 113 Deer St., Dunkirk at 6 p.m.

Fly Fishing/Fly Tying Club

Meet at the Costello Community Room, Rockefeller Arts Center, SUNY Fredonia from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Classes are open to everyone at the college and in the community. Classes and supplies are provided at no cost. Everything is provided, just show up. Masks must be worn during classes. The program is open to children over 12 ( younger if accompanied by an adult) and community members of all ages.

Gowanda VFW Post 5007 meeting

Members are asked to attend at the Post, 20 Sand Hill Road, Gowanda at 7 p.m.

Silver Creek Board meeting

Space is limited. Call 716 934-3240 in advance to make reservations to attend this 7 p.m. meeting. Masks are required. The meeting can also be accessed via phone or video.

Faculty Recital: Faculty Showcase

SUNY Fredonia, Mason Hall Rosch Recital Hall, 8 p.m.


Chautauqua Chamber of Commerce Tuesday Talk: “Business Succession Planning”

The free online event is open to all local businesspeople at 8:30 a.m. Register in advance through the Chamber’s web calendar at

St. Joseph’s bingo

Bingo will take place at St. Joseph’s parish, 145 E. Main St., Fredonia. Doors open at 5 p.m.; bingo begins at 7. Masks should be worn by those not vaccinated and social distancing will be observed.

Cassadaga Legion Auxiliary Unit 1280 meeting

Members are encouraged to meet at the Post at 6:30 p.m.


Westfield Respite Care program

Designed for adults with dementia and early-stage Alzheimer’s, meets from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church of Westfield, 101 E. Main St. Four hours of care with trained volunteers, includes light exercise, music crafts and a free lunch. For details, call Gail Boardway at 716 867-2319.


Darwin R. Library presents: “Master Builders”

All children are welcome to come to the library, 7 Day St., Fredonia, at 4 build with LEGOs, Magformers, Lincoln Logs, Snap Circuits, Marble Runs, Construx, Cubelets and more, free of charge. There will be weekly challenges. No registration is required. Caregivers must remain in the building. Masks must be worn at all times.

Darwin R. Library presents: Creative Writing Workshops

All are welcome to come to the library, 7 Day St., Fredonia, at 4 write. No registration is required. Caregivers must remain in the building. Masks must be worn at all times.

Dunkirk Elks Lodge bingo

Dunkirk Elks Lodge bingo will be held at 428 Central Ave. Doors open at 5 p.m. Admission sales begin at 6 p.m. Games start at 7 p.m. Social distancing will be followed. Masks must be worn by those who are not fully vaccinated.

LIGHT (Losing an Individual as Grieving Hearts Transform) support group

A free support group that helps people who have suffered the death of a child at any age, or fear losing a child, will be held on Feb. 10 and Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. at the Harvest Chapel Church, 39 Matteson St., Fredonia. Sign up and learn more by visiting; call Bill Matteson at 716 680-1121 or call Harvest Chapel church at 716-679-0987 and ask for Pastor Nate Lesher.


Darwin R. Barker Library virtual storytime

Join via Zoom at 10:30 a.m. All programs are free of charge. All children are welcome. To register, send an e-mail including the child’s name and a phone number to

Sheridan VFW Memorial Post Lakeshore flea market

A flea market featuring area vendors will be held at the VFW Memorial Post, 2556 Route 20 from 4 to 7 p.m. during the fish fry, as well as tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Support local vendors, veterans and businesses. For information and booth rental, call 814-779-5553.


Sheridan VFW Memorial Post Lakeshore flea market

A flea market featuring area vendors will be held at the VFW Memorial Post, 2556 Route 20, Sheridan from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. In addition to the flea market, there will be breakfast and lunch served by the VFW. The breakfast menu includes Danish, breakfast sandwiches on homemade biscuits and fresh brewed coffee. The lunch menu features homemade chili, soup of the week, pizza and wings. The VFW offers a full-service bar for a variety of beverages. Come support veterans and shop for great merchandise from local vendors. For information and booth rental, call 814-779-5553.

Audubon Community Nature Center Little Explorers: Animal Defenses; for children 3 to 8 with an adult

1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown from 10 to 11:30 a.m. $8 adults, $6 Nature Center members and children 3 to 8. Paid reservations required by Feb. 10. Limited enrollment.

Fredonia Farmers’ Market

The Fredonia Farmers’ Market is held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. every Saturday November through mid-May at the Masonic Lodge, 321 E. Main St., Fredonia. It features a variety of vendors, with special events TBA. See the Fredonia Farmers’ Market FaceBook page for updates.

Anderson-Lee Library presents: Valentine’s Craftapalooza

All ages are invited to stop by the library, 43 Main St., Silver Creek from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. to create homemade valentines for their loved ones. The library will provide the craft supplies.

Lakeshore Humane Society open adoption hours

The Lakeshore Humane Society, 431 E. Chestnut St., Dunkirk, will hold open adoption hours from noon to 3 p.m. Regardless of vaccination status, masks covering the nose and mouth must be worn at all times on LHS grounds. Those who are ill, have tested positive for COVID, or have been near someone who has tested positive are asked to delay a visit. Tours of the facility will not be given. Individual appointments are available throughout the week. The Cat’s Meow Boutique will be open for purchases by the public. For details, call 716 672-1991.

Darwin R. Library presents: Book Club

All are welcome to come to the library, 7 Day St., Fredonia, at 2 discuss “Less by Andrew Sean Greer.” No registration is required. Masks are required.

The Western New York Chamber Orchestra presents: Classics II

SUNY Fredonia Rockefeller Arts Center King Concert Hall, 7:30 p.m. General public $20, student/child free. Conductor and Artistic Director Glen Cortese leads the orchestra on works by Debussy, Mozart and one his own pieces. This is a general admission event. Masks are required.

1891 Fredonia Opera House Cinema Series

The 1891 Fredonia Opera House presents “The Tender Bar” at 7:30p.m. J.R. (Tyler Sheridan) is a fatherless boy growing up in the glow of a bar where his Uncle Charlie (Ben Affleck) is the sharpest and most colorful of an assortment of father figures. Tickets are $7 for adults, $6.50 for Opera House members/seniors, $5 for students, At this time, ALL patrons are asked to wear masks when attending Opera House events.


Vietnam Veterans of American Chapter 459 meeting

Members will meet at 11 a.m. at the John T. Murray VFW Post 1007, 113 Deer St., Dunkirk.

Audubon Sunday Storytime

Children ages 2 to 8 and their caregivers are invited to a free nature-based storytime at the Audubon Community Nature Center, 1600 Riverside Road, Jamestown from 12:30 to 1 p.m. Sunday admission is also free. Come for storytime and stay to explore the indoor Nature Play Area, live animals and exhibits. Participation is limited to 15. Reservations by the previous day are suggested. Call 716 569-2345.

Chili Cook Off

Peek’n Peak (The Retreat), 1405 Olde Road, Clymer, from noon to 4:30 p.m. To attend the cook off and sample the chilis, tickets are $15 adults, $5 children 11 and under. One ballot per paid entry. All proceeds benefit the Clymer, Sherman and Findley Lake Fire Departments. Prizes for best over-all, spiciest and most original chili. Sign up at

South Dayton snowperson celebration

At 2:30 p.m. in the South Dayton village gazebo, prizes will be awarded for the snowperson contest. Enjoy hot chocolate and cookies at the Village Hall. There will be special giveaways for the children with a valentine craft magnet to make. Puzzles will be for sale. Proceeds will benefit the Village Library, who is sponsoring the event along with the Depot Movie Museum.

Guest Artist Recital: J.R. Fralick, tenor

SUNY Fredonia Mason Hall, Rosch Recital Hall, 4 p.m.

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