Master Class Monday: How to Predict a Stonefly Hatch


When big trout come to the surface to hammer large stoneflies, anglers can enjoy some of the most exciting dry-fly fishing of their lives. This is why some anglers will travel great distances to fish salmonfly or Skwala hatches. The problem is that success is all about timing, and timing can be finicky

In this great episode of “Master Class Monday,” Dave Jensen explains how you can increase your odds of hitting the hatch just right, and he also talks about the best ways to fish through the hatch–from the early days of migrating nymphs through the magic of ovipositing females. Even if you fish stoneflies a lot, you;re sure to learn something here, and the visuals are fantastic.

Check out more installments of Master Class Monday in the Advanced Tactics playlist our You Tube Channel and on the Advanced section of our Orvis Fly Fishing Learning Center.

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