Winter weather benefits anglers, recreationists


This winter is starting off with a bang as far as precipitation is concerned. However, before we get too excited, last year got off to a great start and then fizzled. Another issue is that while we have a lot of snow on the ground and in the mountains, our air is so dry that much of that moisture evaporates. This even happens at the higher elevations in the Ruby Mountains, which is why the skiing is so great there. As the moisture evaporates out of the snow at higher elevations, it makes it like a fine powder.

The USGS Snotel Report has northern and eastern Nevada basins ranging between 157 percent of median and 225 percent of the long term median. This is even more snow than was reported at this time last year. That snow is more fondly known as future fish habitat and is good news for area anglers if the pattern continues through the winter. That is a big IF. As of this time it is looking good and while it is a pain to have to shovel the driveway and sidewalks almost every day, let’s hope it continues.

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Lamoille #3 Snotel site was reporting 38 inches of snow which is 194% of the long term median. The Upper Humboldt basin was at 218% of the long term median, Lower Humboldt basin at 224%, Clover Valley & Franklin River Basin at 223%, Snake River Basin (northeast of Wildhorse) at 157%, Owyhee River Basin at 198% and Eastern Nevada Basins (Ely area) at 237% of the long term median.

The 10-day weather forecast is showing little chance of snow until after Christmas, but we all know how quickly that can change. This is good news for those hoping to travel across Nevada for Christmas and will also give anglers a chance to get out and try some of the great hardwater fishing opportunities that our area offers.

The ice at Wildhorse is averaging nine to 10 inches as of the middle of this week with approximately six inches of snow on top of it. With daytime temperatures at Wildhorse forecast for this weekend to be below freezing conditions should be good for fishing. However, later next week the daytime temperatures are expected to hit 40 degrees and so as we get closer to Christmas anglers may find some slush on top of the ice as the snow starts to melt. Anglers that got out last weekend before the storm front moved through reported good fishing for trout ranging in size from 14 to 2 inches with a few very nice larger fish showing up on FaceBook this week. CJ Ellingwood, NDOW Biologist responsible for Wildhorse, has predicted good trout fishing this weekend and it looks like his forecast is going to hold. Historically there is good trout fishing from Hendricks arm south to Hot Creek along the east side of the lake. Fishing around the island off the state park boat ramp is also a popular area that produces trout. Dead sticking or jigging worms or PowerBait two to six feet below the ice can be productive for trout. If fishing for perch, look for water ranging between 25 and 35 feet deep and fish just off the bottom using a small piece of worm on a small soft plastic jig. Lift the rod tip up few inches every minute or so in a jigging action to entice the perch. Often there will be a bite as the bait settles down. However, expect fishing for yellow perch through the ice to be slow due to the fishery recovering from the spring 2022 die-off.

There was still some open water along the northeast shoreline near the boat ramp, but anglers were reporting about five inches of ice along Jet Ski Beach on the western shoreline. Anglers report good fishing for 15- to 18-inch fish through the ice, though it is recommended that test holes be drilled before venturing too far onto the ice. Fishing the open water on the eastern shoreline has been fair to good depending upon the day. Bait fishing with inflated worms, a worm with a marshmallow or pink PowerBait has been productive. Small spinners, rooster tails and panther Martins fished with a slow retrieve have also produced fish. For fly rodders, active presentations such as stripping buggers or leeches seem to be the best bet. With next week’s forecast highs in the high 30s to 40 degrees the open water may persist for a bit longer. South Fork ice is also more variable than at Wildhorse, so the warm daytime temperatures that are forecast may affect the safe ice on the west shore.

No recent reports, but with the recent snows, expect 4WD conditions to get here. Water conditions here are generally similar to South Fork so there may be some open water for fishing with the possibility of some safe ice. If the ice does appear safe be sure to drill some test holes before venturing upon it. Once the ice is safe anglers can expect fair to good ice fishing this winter for 12-to 16-inch trout. Use the same techniques and baits as at Wildhorse and South Fork.

Harrison Pass is not passable so access to the Refuge is through Secret Pass. There has been little change here. The main boat ramp has approximately four inches of ice earlier this week so it is borderline safe. Drill test holes before venturing too far. The marsh is there because of the springs and the water comes out of the ground around 51 degrees, so the ice is very variable due to this. Proceed onto the ice with caution. No report on how fishing has been. The collection ditch has a fair amount of ice at the north end starting at Bressman cabin. The south end of the ditch also has some ice. There is still open water at various spots along the ditch for fishing and anglers can expect fair to good fishing for 15 to 20-inch trout with an occasional fish over 20 inches. Chironomid patterns such as zebra midges, red butt buzzers, chironocones and ice cream cones should catch fish. Other flies such as leech patterns, balanced leeches, crystal buggers, #14-16 hare’s ears, #16-18 PT nymphs and scuds fished under an indicator are recommended. Expect fair to good fishing for Spin anglers should be using small spinners in black or olive with contrasting yellow or red colors as well as small minnow imitations. With the colder water temperatures anglers should slow down their presentations as the fish are moving slower this time of year. The collection ditch is artificial lures only, no bait. Wading is not allowed in the ditch.


Jake Creek is ice covered with approximately four inches of ice at last report and it may be a bit thicker now, though drill test holes before venturing upon it. Better yet, give this lake another week or two before venturing on the ice. Once the ice is safe, expect good fishing for 10 to 14 inch trout this winter using worms or PowerBait jigged slowly a few feet below the ice.

No recent report but expect unsafe ice here with maybe a bit of open water where the creek empties into the reservoir.

Cave Lake is lowered to minimum and unfishable. Fish stocking will resume once the dam repairs are completed. Cave Lake is closed to fishing due to shorelines that are very soft and dangerous due to the complete saturation of the soil. For more information on Cave Lake, please contact the NDOW Ely Field Office.

Comins is covered in ice ranging from four to six inches with a few areas that have weak ice so caution is the name of the game here. There was some ice breakup last week due to wind but then refroze with areas of ice that are only two inches thick. Drill test holes before venturing too far out. Cold nighttime temperatures have helped this week, but with daytime highs above freezing over the next week, ice growth will be very slow. It may be another week or two (sounding like a broken record again) before the ice is safe depending upon the weather. Once there is safe ice anglers can expect good fishing for 14 to 18 inch rainbow trout through the ice with an occasional brown or tiger trout. Pike through the ice should be fair. Anglers, please note that NDOW has placed radio tags in several Northern Pike. These pike will have an orange Floy tag near their dorsal fin and a small antenna (~ 7 inches long) coming from their stomach. Please return these fish to the water for research purposes. All other pike should be humanely dispatched. There is no limit on the pike.

This lake was covered with approximately four to six inch thick ice at last report. The weather forecast for the next week calls for daytime highs in the mid to high 30s so ice growth will be very slow. Please use caution and drill test holes as you venture upon the ice. Expect 4WD to get into the lake with recent snows. Once there is safe ice expect fair to good fishing for 10 to 14-inch trout using worms, PowerBait or jigs.

The road is closed for the winter and the lake is ice covered. There will be no reports until late spring or early summer depending upon weather and snow conditions.

Those wanting to hike into the Rubies will find deep snow conditions and only experienced back country trekkers should attempt to get away from the roads. The lakes are ice covered and there will be no more fishing reports until late next spring or early in the summer depending upon snow conditions this year.

Access to the fishable parts of streams is very difficult due to recent snows. Carry chains and a shovel and be prepared to spend the night. Please leave a trip plan with someone responsible so that if you don’t return home someone can start looking for you. If anglers get to the streams expect ice and snow making fishing difficult. Lamoille Canyon access is by snowshoe, skis or snow mobile due to snow which is currently about three feet deep at the Snotel site in the canyon. Access to both the Bruneau and Jarbidge Rivers is now through Idaho due to snow conditions. Access the Jarbidge through Rogerson, Idaho north of Jackpot and access the Bruneau through Grasmere, Idaho north of Owyhee. As of December 16, the East Fork of the Owyhee was flowing at 7.31 below Wildhorse dam, while the station near Mountain City is showing ice. The Bruneau River and Jarbidge Rivers are also showing ice. Salmon Falls Creek at 46.2 cfs, Lamoille Creek station was showing ice, the South Fork of the Humboldt at 3.3 to 9.5 cfs, Cleve Creek showing ice, Steptoe Creek at 1.58 cfs and Kingston Creek at 1.98 cfs.

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