Wind farm’s a popular hangout for fish, study shows


A seven-year study of fish near the Block Island Wind Farm and in control areas south and east of the wind farm shows no difference in the catch of most species because of the operation of the turbines. It also cites an increase in cod and black sea bass in the area. 

The study conducted trawl surveys monthly before and during construction and operation of the turbines for seven years.

The study was published March 29 in the ICES Journal of Marine Science. 

A total of 663,970 individual fish representing 61 species were collected in the seven years of the survey. 

Species that are attracted to wind farm pylon structure, such as Atlantic cod and black sea bass, increased their presence at the wind farm after installation, while the catch of other species, such as longfin squid and winter flounder, varied consistent with regional trends.

“This unprecedented study was cooperatively designed by commercial fishermen and scientists to gather the highest frequency of data over the longest time period of any study in the world,” said Drew A. Carey, CEO of INSPIRE Environmental, which designed the study. “These results will provide valuable information for planning future offshore wind development in the United States.”

Enhanced Atlantic cod and black sea bass at the wind farm apparently has occurred even though fishing activity has dramatically increased. The Block Island Wind Farm has become a fishing destination for many recreational anglers. On an average summer weekend day before construction of the wind farm pylons, 10 to 15 boats would be fishing in the area, compared to the 30 to 40 boats after construction was completed.

Opening Day kicks off trout season

Opening Day of the freshwater fishing season in Rhode Island was Saturday, April 9.  The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management stocked 100 waterways, many with brook, brown, tiger and rainbow trout as well as Sebago salmon in select areas.

Hatchery-raised golden rainbow trout were stocked, too. These trout represent a color variation of a rainbow trout and provide an exciting angling experience — with golden trout pins awarded to those who catch these fish during the first three weeks after opening day. Simply take a picture and send it to with contact information to be eligible for the pin.

For licensing and stocking information, visit

A 2022 fishing license, at $18, is required for anglers 15 years of age and older. A Trout Conservation Stamp, at $5.50, is also required of anyone who wants to keep or possess a trout or to fish in a catch-and-release or “fly-fishing-only” area. Online fishing licenses and the Trout Conservation Stamp may also be obtained from an authorized agent.

The minimum size for trout taken from Rhode Island waters is 8 inches, measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail. The daily creel and possession limit for trout is five from April 9 through Nov. 30, 2022, and two from Dec. 1, 2022, through Feb. 28, 2023.

Baird Symposium is Wednesday

The 2022 Baird Symposium’s second session will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. April 13. This free webinar, “Climate Change Opportunities for Anglers and Boaters,” will present discussions about how anglers are adapting, with the science panel addressing “Big Strategies for Climate Resiliency.” To register, visit Effects of Climate Change on Recreational Fishing and Boating — Session II at 

Where’s the bite?


“Customers are getting ready for [the season] and those fishing are catching largemouth and pickerel in area lakes and ponds,” said Joe Castaldi of Quaker Lane Bait & Tackle in North Kingstown. “Anglers are doing well fishing for pickerel and largemouth bass and all are waiting for trout season,” said Tom Giddings of the Tackle Box in Warwick. “We are an official State of Rhode Island weigh station this year,” he said. “Customers are buying Power Baits for trout fishing and shiners to target largemouth bass,” said Manny Macedo of Lucky Bait & Tackle in Warren. John Littlefield of Archie’s Bait & Tackle in Riverside reported: “Freshwater fishing for largemouth and pickerel has been good the past couple of weeks. And we are hoping for a great opening week. So far, traffic has been better than average.”

Massachusetts began stocking in March and continued as weather conditions permitted. The freshwater fishing season in Massachusetts opened Jan. 1 or April 1, depending on location. For information on regulations, licenses and an interactive map on stocking, visit Freshwater Fishing Regulations at


Tautog season opened April 1. “One of our customers limited out with three keeper tautog [16 inches or greater] at Beavertail Point in Jamestown this week. So, the fish are there,” Giddings reported. “We sold a bushel of crabs to a couple of customers and they reported no bites at all,” Macedo said. “Things are still too cold. The water temperature off Newport is still 42 degrees.” Littlefield said: “Four anglers gave tautog fishing a try and did not get any bites earlier this week.” Capt. Frank Blount of the Frances Fleet said: “Cod fishing has not been good this winter.  We are ready to sail daily but have not gotten out much the past couple of weeks.”

Dave Monti holds a captain’s master license and a charter fishing license. He serves on a variety of boards and commissions and has a consulting business that focuses on clean oceans, habitat preservation, conservation, renewable energy and fisheries-related issues and clients. Forward fishing news and photos to or visit 

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