When the rainbow rose to the fly | Local


“They asked me if I might be available on July 3rd to guide a politician in the area,” he says. “I put two and two together and agreed.”

After being cleared in a security check, he was ready to guide, without any hesitation over political philosophy. With his first vote in a presidential election four years ago, Enright chose Trump, largely because of fiscal policy.

“I’m definitely more of a fiscal conservative. I support a lot of his (the president’s) fiscal ideas,” Enright says. “I think it’s tough to find someone who represents all of your ideas.”

That’s as close as he came to any criticism of the president. And he had nothing but praise for Donald Trump Jr. as a fishing partner.

“He’s an awesome guy to be around, very well spoken and an awesome fisherman. He probably didn’t need a guide, but it helps to get that local information and experience,” Enright says. “After my nerves settled the first few minutes, it was just like any other time out there on the water with someone.”

Don Jr. brought his own 10-foot-long, 5-weight fly rod and reel. Enright brought 4-weight and 5-weight outfits. Each rig had different flies, so Trump could switch rods quickly if one wasn’t working.

After about 2-1/2 hours, Enright finished the guide work but Trump continued fishing, this time for trout and dollars with guests during an exclusive political fundraiser. That part of the morning probably gives rise to questions about proper use of public fishing water.

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