Video Pro Tips: How to Tie the Orvis Knot


The Orvis Knot is a great alternative to the clinch or improved clinch knot. In our tests, it has a higher breaking strength than other fly-to-tippet knots, and one advantage of this knot is that it’s more consistent—easier to tie properly than other knots. It is also a small, neat knot, so it’s perfect for both small and large flies.

In this video, Pete Kutzer shows us how easy this knot is to tie. It is effective in tippet sizes from 7X up to about 20-pound-test The knot was developed 25 years ago by Larry Becker, and was the winning knot in a contest we ran for the best new knot—back in the days when The Orvis News was a print vehicle. Pete talks about this knot being great for small dry flies, but we use for everything from nymphs to striper and bonefish flies to bass bugs.

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