Video Pro Tip: How to Approach and Cast to a Rising Trout


This is one of the best how-to videos we have ever seen, and it comes from our friends Dave and Amelia Jensen, of Jensen Fly Fishing in Alberta. If you’ve ever wondered why folks hire a guide—and why great guides are so sought-after—you’ll understand after you watch this. The angler, Devan, is faced with a bankside riser on the Bow River, and Dave talks him through the process of approaching and catching the fish. Some of the stuff that Dave explains is hard to describe in writing, which is why this narration is so helpful.

Listen to how Dave explains the relationship between casting position and the cast itself. An angler must deal with the current, wind, and his own casting limitations. Dave’s advice on finding a cast that’s comfortable for you and then wading into position so you can make the same cast over and over is genius. I recommend that you watch this a couple times, and it’s worth taking some notes so you remember Dave’s advice next time you’re in this situation.

This is the pilot for the Jensen’s new series “The Bank,” and I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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