Video: How to Tie the Blue Quill Parachute


The blue quill usually creates some great springtime hatches in the East and Midwest. In this week’s great video from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions, he walks you through the steps to create this elegant pattern. The first is very important: soak your stripped peacock quills to make them more supple. It stinks to have the quill crack or break when you’re wrapping it. As usual, there are plenty of other great tying tips that will make you better, including Tim’s posting technique and his methods for keeping all fibers and hairs on top of the hook shank.

          Blue Quill Parachute
          Hook: Standard dry-fly hook (here a Lightning Strike DF1), size 16.
          Thread: Brown Veevus 16/0
          Tails: Dun hackle fibers.
          Post: Dark dun calf-body hair, cleaned and stacked.
          Body: Stripped peacock quill.
          Adhesive #1: Head cement.
          Hackle: Dun hackle.
          Thorax: Natural beaver dubbing.
          Adhesive #2: Head cement (here, Sally Hansen Hard-as-Nails).
          Tools: Whip-finisher, bodkin, hackle pliers.

Credit: Source link