Video: How to Tie Jeff Blood’s Blood-Dot Egg


Several species of fish–salmon, steelhead, trout, and more–will be spawning from fall through spring, so it pays to have egg patterns in your fly box. Here’s a cool pattern by western Pennsylvania fly tier Jeff Blood. Here’s a full episode of The New Fly Fisher in which Blood describes how he came up with the Blood Dot Egg and how he fishes it for Great Lakes steelhead:

In this week’s video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler walks you through the process of tying the Blood Dot Egg, which is pretty darn simple. It’s nothing more than three small loops of McFly Foam, along with a hot spot created with the same material. As usual, Tim has a tip for making a great pattern perform even better, too.

          Jeff Blood’s Blood-Dot Egg
 2X-heavy, 2X-short scud/emerger hook (here, a Lightning Strike SE3), sizes 8-12.
          Thread: White, 6/0 or 140-denier.
 Light orange McFly Foam.
          Blood spot: Dark orange McFly Foam.
          Adhesive: Thin UV-cure resin.
          Tools: Bodkin.

Credit: Source link