Video: How to Tie an Isonychia Harrop’s Hairwing Dun


Rene Harrop is one of the West’s iconic fly tiers, starting his small business–along with his wife, Bonnie–in 1968 on the banks of the Henrys Fork. He designed the Hairwing Dun in the 1980s while fishing the Firehole in Yellowstone National Park, and it can be adapted to match almost any mayfly species.

In this typically great video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler walks us through the steps for creating this cool pattern, which seems to include features of many other classics. Pay attention to the ways that Tim uses his thread tension to make attaching the materials easier.

          Isonychia Harrop’s Hairwing
          Hook: Standard dry-fly hook (here, a Lightning Strike DF1), size 10.
          Thread: Black, 6/0 or 70-denier.
          Tails: Moose body hair, cleaned and stacked.
          Body: Isonychia-color UV2 Fine & Dry dubbing.
          Hackle: Medium dun or barred medium dun.
          Thorax: Isonychia-color UV2 Fine & Dry dubbing.
          WingDun Comparadun or short/fine deer hair.
          Adhesive: Head cement, here Sally Hansen Hard-as-Nails.
          Tools: Hair stacker, hackle pliers, whip finisher.

Credit: Source link