Video: How to Tie a Flashback Pheasant-Tail Nymph


Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions loves himself a Pheasant Tail Nymph. Want proof? Over the years, he has taught us how to tie the American Pheasant Tail Nymph, a Beadhead Soft-Hackle Pheasant Tail Nymph, a Micro Pheasant Tail Nymph, a Hotspot Pheasant Tail Nymph, a Pheasant Tail Euro Nymph, and a Phat and Phunky Pheasant Tail Nymph. Whew! And this week, he shows us how to tie a version that he claims he is never without, the Flashback Pheasant Tail Nymph. What hath Frank Sawyer wrought?

In this typically great video, Tim walks us through the steps, stopping to explain exactly how to prepare each material and then how to tie it on for maximum efficiency and effect. This is not a difficult pattern, but when you watch Tim tie it, you can see the subtle nuances that ensure everything ends up where it should . . . and then stays there. So twist up a dozen of these to use whenever you think mayflies nymphs are present, or use it as a dropper fly any time of year.

         Flashback Pheasant-Tail Nymph
  Standard nymph/wet-fly hook (here, a Lightning Strike NW3), sizes 12-20.
          Thread: Brown Veevus, 16/0.
          Rib:  Copper Ultra Wire, small.
          Tail/abdomen:  Natural pheasant tail fibers.
          Wingcase: Opal tinsel, large.
          Legs:  Pheasant tail fibers.
          Thorax: Peacock herl.
          Head: Tying thread.
          Adhesive: Head cement (here, Sally Hansen Hard-As-Nails).
          Tools: Whip finish, bodkin.

Credit: Source link