Video: How to Make a Tie-In Anchor on a Feather


Here’s the latest installment in our series of videos called “One-Minute Fly-Tying Tips and Techniques” from Tim Flagler of Tightline Productions. Each video will teach a single tying skill, from the most basic to the advanced. Ultimately, the series will serve as a sort of encyclopedia of tying skills that will be a valuable resource for anyone who sits down at a vise to create a fly.

It’s really frustrating when a feather you’ve tied in slips through the thread wraps when you’re wrapping it. The stem of most feathers is quite slick, so it can be hard to get a solid grip with tying thread. To solve this problem, Tim shows you two methods he uses: creating a triangular anchor at the tip of the feather and wrapping over bent-back fibers, rather than the stem itself. These tricks will make your tying process easier and your flies more durable.

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