Tropical rut hampers deer season


Other wildlife make presence known on scene

By Mark Blazis
 |  Correspondent

The year’s tropical rut has depressed hunters who found little deer movement in the heat this past balmy week. My own disappointment Monday evening was compounded by hearing hammerings in a development destroying a chunk of much-loved wildlife land right next to my Grafton deer stand.

Compounding the loss, on Wednesday, I got word in Sutton that my best bow-hunting spot — one that provided venison every year for my friends and family over the last 20 years — would no longer be open to me. Yes, another development is going in this beloved wild land, too. Hunters and naturalists need to do more to preserve wild land in their communities.

Although Tuesday, I didn’t see a single deer because of the heat, I did have two unforgettable wildlife experiences — the kinds of privileges that bow hunters enjoy each season, thanks to the quiet and stillness that they necessarily employ in their artfully unobtrusive hunt.

Shortly after sunrise, a curiously trusting tufted titmouse landed two feet in front of me on the rail of my tree stand. For several seconds, it looked at the eyes of this blob of motionless camouflage that was unlike any big owl it had ever seen. It then hopped up on my arm, fearless and wondering. As it flew off, its contact with me had already made my day. But the wonder of nature wasn’t over.

That evening as legal on a second stand, hunting hours had ended one half-hour after sunset, I readied to climb down from the canopy. But just then, flying slowly and silently right in front of me was a chubby barred owl that landed about 15 feet away in an adjacent bare tree. Its silhouette against the cloudy sky showed its medium size and lack of ear tufts, distinguishing it clearly from the much larger great-horned owl.

For about five minutes, it looked over at me, surely seeing the reflection in my eyes. It finally flew over, passing silently and slowly not 10 feet away at eye level, on its way to dinner. The symmetry of the second, intimate sighting made me smile, happy to be a bow hunter — even though I didn’t even see a deer.

The best moment of my hunting week, though, was a human sighting. After a long walk, as I reached my vehicle to pull out a sled to drag out a deer that I had just arrowed on precious public land, fellow bow hunter Mike Morcone pulled up to walk his Lab. When he learned I was going to try to drag the deer out alone, up a steep hill, he abandoned his plans, insisting on helping — and dragging it out himself for me. Good men like Morcone exemplify our sportsmen’s brotherhood. I’m rooting for him to arrow the big 10-point that he’s been long targeting.

Many deer get killed by collisions during November’s rut. An incredibly antlered, big atypical buck with a fascinating asymmetrical rack was wasted in a Spencer vehicle collision not far from Archery Plus. This great buck would have been the deer of a lifetime for any local bow hunter.

‘Tis the seasons

Thousands of deer hunters in New England have been waiting for the gun seasons to open. Maine’s opened Nov. 2 and runs through Nov. 28. New Hampshire’s began last Wednesday and runs through Dec. 6. Vermont’s begins this coming Saturday, and ends Sunday, Nov. 29. Yes, Vermont — like most states around us — has Sunday hunting.

Connecticut’s deer gun season runs from Nov. 18 to Dec. 8. New York’s opens Nov. 21 and runs through Dec. 13. Rhode Island’s shotgun season opens Dec. 5, ending on the 13th in Zone 2 and the 20th in Zone 1. Our own Massachusetts shotgun season will begin, as always, on the first Monday after Thanksgiving. This year, that’s Nov. 30, running through Dec. 12.

Women’s opportunity

One of MassWildlife’s many laudable efforts is its annual deer hunting seminar and guided hunt for new women hunters. Its just part of their wonderful Becoming An Outdoors Woman program, which can be joined by calling MassWildlife’s Westboro Field Headquarters or going on their MassFishHunt website.

For safety this year, portions of the program have been offered in a virtual format. Masks and physical distancing will be necessary during the Field Skills Outdoor Seminar and the Guided Deer Hunt. Newcomers are given preference over women who wish to repeat the special experience.

MassWildlife reminds hunters that they are required to report a harvested deer, bear or turkey online within 48 hours. Due to COVID-19, all MassWildlife offices, including fish hatcheries, will be closed to the public, and many other check stations will be closed during the fall seasons. If you experience difficulties reporting your harvest online, call your nearest MassWildlife office for assistance.

Shows called off

As many rightly expected, the greatly popular Marlboro Fly Fishing Show, which always gets anglers excited for the upcoming season has had to be postponed until 2022.

Local sportsmen looking forward to the New England Fishing Expo in Boxboro will similarly find themselves affected by COVID-19 and have to go north in 2022 instead. The much-anticipated event will be combined with the show in mid-March at the Hampshire Dome in Milford, New Hampshire.

Safari Club International has canceled its 2021 national hunters’ convention — the biggest in the world — in Las Vegas. It’s the first time in 50 years that the show couldn’t go on and really dampens their plan to celebrate their 50th anniversary in style.

Catching on Cape

Tautog fishing has been hot in rocky parts of Buzzards Bay and the west end of the Cape Cod Canal. Keeper stripers have just moved through the Canal, too, in a major spurt while snow briefly fell recently — and continued to migrate sporadically even as temperatures hit 70. It’s clearly not time to put away surfcasting equipment there. East End Eddie Doherty reports stripers up to 30 pounds still being taken.

Bluefin tuna fishing has continued to reward boaters. Capt. Mike Wisniewski just sent over some very fatty sashimi grade otoro for my family to eat raw, sliced thin with a little wasabi, pickled ginger, and soy sauce. The resumption of commercial bluefin fishing saw 49 boats concentrated off Nauset, where four giants were reported taken.

Fine season for trout

Trout fishing has continued excellent, with a few savvy locals venturing to Nickerson State Park and having plenty action in Brewster.

Vermont celebrated the capture of a 19.36-pound lake trout from sea lamprey-plagued Lake Champlain this past season. The giant trout happily didn’t have one scar from being sucked by the lampreys, which had devastated that great lake. Efforts to control invasive sea lamprey there are working.

—Contact Mark Blazis at

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