TP&W set for annual trout stocking | ETVarsity


Each year the Texas Parks & Wildlife department stocks lakes and ponds with Rainbow trout.

The trout cannot survive in Texas waterways during the extreme summer heat of Texas. Trout require much cooler water temperatures to thrive and reproduce.

Raising the trout in controlled conditions of a hatchery enables the biologists to produce enough fish for winter season stocking. Most of the fish are released at public lakes or waterways to give anglers and trout opportunities to get together. The trout go to destinations all over the state to reach as many anglers as possible.

The TP&W plans to stock a total of 352,563 rainbow trout in Texas from Nov. 24 through March 6. The larger metropolitan areas will receive a large portion of the fish and will have more release sites.

Since the trout will not survive when the water begins to warm, anglers are encouraged to keep their catch within the limits.

Catching the trout is fairly simple.

Some fly fishing enthusiasts will take advantage of the releases to sharpen their fly fishing skills. While this technique is fun, a kid with a snoopy fishing outfit can still catch the trout, too.

Basic, small gear is all that is required. A number 6 or smaller hook baited with the standard nightcrawler under a small bobber will do the trick. There are a multitude of prepared baits that are for trout. Some trout anglers prefer canned corn for bait. Don’t ask me how this got started but apparently trout like canned corn.

This isn’t the strangest thing I’ve heard that works on trout as I believe a small marshmallow holds that distinction. Again, who knew trout liked small marshmallows. Use light line in the 4-6 pound test fluorocarbon as the trout will shy away from heavier line. Small light or ultralight spinning tackle is perfect as the fish are on the small side.

I am certain a cane pole rigged with the small gear will get bites.

Locally we have several areas for trout anglers to enjoy the releases.

Longview, Kilgore and Tyler all have releases scheduled throughout the winter. There are several other releases scheduled for our extended area and of course other areas around the state. If your family is traveling for the holidays, planning a small trout outing while out of town could be a fun activity. Go online ( see when and where the stocking will take place. The Rainbow is highly prized as a meal.

Fried, grilled or baked, the trout is a popular choice.

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