Saturday fly fishing clinic in Wooster reels in a crowd.


WOOSTER   A group of avid fly fishermen shared their passion for the sport with about 20 eager learners excited about the opportunity to get hooked on fishing.

The Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited (CFRCTU), in collaboration with the city, held the first of a two-session clinic on Saturday at Schellin Park for those 16 and older interested in learning to fly-cast.

Experienced fly fishers are providing instruction, emphasizing equipment needed, knot tying, casting, flies, hooking and landing fish, according to CFRTU President Steve Slack of Wooster.

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“We have 22 signed up for the two-day clinic and we will have about a dozen members of CFRCTU assisting students with techniques,” Slack said. “At this event we will talk about fishing equipment, how to rig a fly rod, types of flies and how to tie needed knots.” 

Next weekend, the fly-casting students will find out what fish in Apple Creek eat and the type of flies used for fishing, as well as how to cast a line in moving water and successfully land a fish. 

“We will also be stocking Apple Creek with rainbow trout, which attracts fishers from across Ohio to the Wooster area,” he said.

Gettin’ buggy with fly fishing

Fishing fanatics from Columbus to Cleveland and some locals descended upon the lake at Schellin Park for Saturday’s clinic.

Ellen Klinger is an assistant professor of entomology at The Ohio State University. She wanted to learn more about fly fishing.

“I teach the aquatics and invertebrates class,” Klinger said. “That’s all the bugs that are under the water. They are the insects they mimic when they tie the flies. I teach the biology of the insects, but fly fishing is such a big part of that.”

Klinger said she had tried fly fishing years ago when she was younger and got frustrated with it, so she went back to rod and reel fishing. 

“I’m older now and have more patience than when I first tried it, so hopefully it will work out,” she said. “I’ll be able to teach this to my students because I have a lot of students who are into fishing as a sport.

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Klinger said she tries to demonstrate to her students how the different flies mimic the insects, “but this should give me a better understanding of that. If the student is interested in fly fishing, I can get the concepts down. And maybe, I’ll even enjoy it. We’ll see.”

Klinger was among nine women who were signed up for the classes, which Slack said is by far a record number of women for these clinics.

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Past President Skip Nault of CFRTU said the objective of the clinic is for folks to have fun and get an idea about fly fishing. CFRTU provides equipment for those who don’t have any and also advises on tying knots and casting techniques.

John Pierson of Brunswick and formerly of Wooster, was happy to come back to the area and spend a few hours fly fishing.

“I went to school with Skip’s son and ran into him the other day. He told me about this clinic and I got on the mailing list, and here I am,” Pierson said. “I had done this before years ago at a horse ranch in Wyoming, and had some time and thought it was a good time to get back out. This is a great opportunity to learn from the pros. I spent three hours in a river a week ago and the time just flew by. It’s really a lot of fun.”

Emily Jimerson of Bath came along with Pierson to give the sport a try and said she was enjoying herself, being outside on a beautiful spring day.

Joan Carmel, a teacher from Millersburg, said she was preparing for her retirement. She said she was having a lot of fun.

Jerry Polen of Canton, one of the volunteer instructors, said the difference between fly fishing and other fishing is fly fishers use a light line and work the top of the water, whereas other fishing relies on what’s on the end of the line and casting out deeper in the water.

Slack added, once you learn to fly fish, it’s a sport you can do the rest of your life. All you need is a fishing pole, some line and flies, maybe a few other gadgets, and of course time.

“We were very pleased with the response to offering the clinic and are pleased to host outdoor events that allow people to learn something new that they can enjoy for the rest of their lives,” Slack said.

“This is far less frustrating than golf,” one of the participants added with a laugh.

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