Sangre de Cristo to appoint new director | Free Content


At the Sangre de Cristo Electric Association (SDCEA) Board of Directors meeting on Oct. 26, the Director/CEO Nominating Committee announced their intention to recommend Michael Robinson to fill the board’s director vacancy.

If approved by the SDCEA Board of Directors at their monthly board meeting on Nov. 29, Robinson, a business consultant and former telecommunications executive, will be appointed to represent members as a board member and will be seated on the board at SDCEA’s monthly meeting on Dec. 28.

Robinson describes his professional background as divided into two chapters. 

The first half of his career was in the telecommunications industry where he led engineering and operations teams in the design and implementation of fiber-optic, satellite and wireless systems both nationally and in several other countries. 

The second half of his career has been as an executive business consultant specializing in leadership and team development. 

“The electrical energy industry is entering a period of extraordinary challenges and opportunities with respect to the emerging widespread adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy technologies. This will require transformative strategies and flawless execution across the industry,” said Robinson. “I want to help SDCEA succeed in these strategies, which as a rural electrical co-op requires even more deft leadership, in part due to the characteristics of the markets they serve. I believe SDCEA has an extraordinary talent base and I am grateful to become part of that team.”

Robinson has lived in the Salida and Buena Vista area part-time for 12 years and full-time for a year and a half. He is married to his high school sweetheart and has two children and four grandchildren. His son lives in Westminster. His daughter and her family live in Monument. He enjoys fly fishing, woodworking and playing the guitar. 

SDCEA board member Suzy Kelly, one of two representatives of Chaffee and Lake County members, announced her intent to retire from her board position in November. In accordance with SDCEA bylaws, the at-large director Joe Redetzke will fill the remainder of Kelly’s term. Robinson was appointed to fill the at-large vacancy created by Redetzke’s transfer.

Per SDCEA policy A-4, if an SDCEA director resigns more than eight months before the end of their term, the selection of a new director shall be carried out within three regular board meetings of the occurrence of said vacancy.

Notice of the vacancy was advertised in local papers allowing a minimum of four weeks for interested candidates to respond. Ultimately, four candidates submitted letters of interest, candidate disclosures and bio forms. The search committee reviewed the candidates’ submissions and determined all to be eligible, qualified and willing to serve. Based on that determination, all four candidates were offered and accepted the opportunity to meet with the committee for an interview on the afternoon of Oct. 19. Three interviews were in person and one was conducted remotely.

The search committee developed a list of roughly nine questions, all of which were asked of each candidate. Candidates were also given the chance to ask the committee members questions. Each interview was conducted in 45 to 60 minutes. The committee discussed each candidate briefly after each interview. After all four interviews were completed, the committee reviewed the interviews, shared their perceptions of the candidates, discussed the benefits each could bring to the board and arrived at a consensus on the best candidate for appointment. The committee unanimously recommended Robinson to the full board for approval.

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