Resources for Colorado veterans, service members affected by situation unfolding in Afghanistan


DENVER – As thousands of people try to flee Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover of the capital city of Kabul, veterans across the United States are watching as a 20-year-campaign comes to an end.

Many veterans – including here in Colorado – are dismayed by the scenes coming from overseas, but there is help out there for those struggling to cope with the events happening in Afghanistan.

The first thing you should know: If you know a veteran in crisis or are concerned about one, call the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255 or text 838255. There are caring and qualified VA responders standing by to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You may also access help via their website.

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs also has a plethora of resources for those seeking help. You can access them by clicking here.

Here are other mental health resources for Colorado vets who may be struggling by the ongoing situation in Afghanistan:

Adaptive Adventures
1215 Nelson St #1 Lakewood, CO 80215

The adaptive sports program mission is to provide progressive adults and veterans with physical disabilities. Eligibility: Youth, adults, or veterans who are injured or have a disability.

Cambium Counseling
970-235-0913 26
410 9th St Golden, CO 80401

Cambium offers counseling services that utilize a creative and solution-focused approach for emerging adults, couples, and families impacted by significant stress and addiction. Eligibility: Out-of-network provider with reduced fee options upon request and based on availability.

Center for People with Disabilites-Veterans Independence Program 303-442-8662
1675 Range St. Boulder, CO 80301

CPWD’s Veterans Independence Program (VIP) is a VeteranDirected Care program for eligible Veterans to help them remain in their homes and communiy. It allows Veterans to direct their own programs and to receive services in their homes and community. Veterans decide what goods and services they need and who they want to perform those services. VIP helps Veterans with nonmedical supports and services, assistance with activities of daily living (such as bathing and getting dressed), and other important activities (such as fixing meals and taking medications). Eligibility: Veterans must be enrolled in the VA healthcare system and meet eligibility requirements for the program according to the VA. For other CPWD services, to be eligible, an individual needs to self-identify as someone with a disability and be willing to work with CPWD staff to develop a goal towards independence.

Colorado Discover Ability
601 Struthers Ave Grand Juction, CO 81501

CDA provides outdoor recreation programs for people with disabilities, their families, and friends including adaptive cycling, river rafting, kayaking, and skiing. Many of the programs are free of charge to Veterans thanks to a VA Adaptive Sports Grant. Eligibility: Participants must be a Veteran with a disability to qualify for funding under the VA Adaptive Sports Grant.

Community Reach Center

Community Reach Center provides mental health and substance use treatment throughout Adams County, Colorado. Services include individual, family, group therapy. We have a 24/7 social detox and other programs, including crisis. Please visit our website- for more information and accessing our intake program. Eligibility: We accept private insurance, self-pay, Medicaid, Medicare. We are currently out-of-network with Tricare. We accept VA authorizations.

Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center (DVBIC)

DVBIC was established by Congress to serve Active Duty Military (Reserve, Guard, All Branches), their beneficiaries and Veterans with traumatic brain injuries through clinical care, recovery support, research and education. Eligibility: Open and available to all.

Eagle’s Nest Ranch
40757 County Road 21 Elizabeth, CO 80107

We provide interactive sessions free of charge with horses to help with the invisible wounds of life. We exist to provide a place of hope, trust and growth for people and horse so they can soar above the adversities of life. Eligibility: Active duty and Veteran Service Members, their spouses and children are eligible.

Give an Hour

Give an Hour offers no cost mental health care to Military Veterans and their loved ones. Give an Hour serves all Military, Veterans and their loved ones regardless of discharge and deployment status. Give an Hour serves all brances and all service eras. To find a provider near you please visit our website and click “Get Help.” Eligibility: Must be a Veteran with PTSD or a Veteran or civilian with a mobility disability.

Harmony Acres Equestrian Center

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Therapeutic Riding, providing services for Veterans and other specific groups of various ages. Eligibility: Call for information.

Harmony’s Heart Coaching-The Wind Rider Project

At Harmony’s Heart Coaching™ we offer a safe and nurturing environment allowing Veterans, Active Duty Military and first responders to explore your inner journey with PTS and learn how to heal those wounds, leading to a fuller, more enriched life with your loved ones, your friends, and most importantly, yourself. Eligibility: None

Healing Warriors Program
1136 E Stuart St. #42202 Fort Collins, CO 80525

Healing Warriors Program is a 501(c)(3) non profit providing nonnarcotic care therapy for Pain, Post Traumatic Stress, and Sleep Disturbance. We are a registered VA vendor. Eligibility: We serve Service Members and their Spouses, Partners or Parents from any era, any branch of service.

Hearts and Horses Therapeutic Riding Center
163 N County Rd 29 Loveland, CO 80537

Therapeutic riding & horsemanship for Veterans, adults, and children with physical or cognitive disabilites, at risk youth, OT/PT/ SLP services, Alzheimer’s and Dementia. Eligibility: For our riding programs, 210 or less pounds. Unlimited for our ground program. Any age/era of Veteran eligble. Medical release is required.

Help Heal Veterans
2500 North Ave Grand Junction, CO 81501

Help Heal Veterans provides therapeutic craft kits to Veterans at no charge. Eligibility: Proof of Veteran Status.

Huts for Vets
PO Box 3598 Basalt, CO 81621

Huts for Vets takes Veterans who have experienced trauma as a result of their service into the wilderness for healing opportunities at the 10th Mountain Huts System of Aspen. We cover all expenses including transportation. Eligibility: Any Veteran who has experienced trauma as a result of their service. We hike above 11,000 feet, so a strong measure of physical fitness is a requirement

The Independence Center-Veteran In Charge
729 S Tejon St. Colorado Springs, CO 80903

The Independent Center’s Veteran in Charge (VIC) Program is a Veteran-Directed Home and Community Based Services (VD-HCBS) program offering eligible Veterans the opportunity to self-direct the services they need to remain in their home and community. Veterans have the freedom and flexibility to decide for themselves what mix of goods and services best meet their needs. This program is a partnership between the Administration for Community Living and the VA. Eligibility: Veterans must be enrolled in the VA healthcare system and meet the eligibility requirements for the service.

Jefferson Center for Mental HealthVeteran and Military Services
4851 Independence St. #100 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033

The Veteran and Military Families Team serves Veterans, their Families, and loved ones who face unique challenges that impact their lives. This team offers confidential counseling, group support, linking clients to community resources and encourages empowerment of all clients to find solutions to their unique challenges as military families. Eligibility: Veterans, their Families and loved ones, regardless of discharge status, are eligble for a consultation to determine the best level of services for their needs. We primarily serve residents of Jefferson, Clear Creek, and Gilpin Counties; however we can take referral from other areas on a space-available basis. We are also glad to assist any Veteran or Family Member find resources in their area.

Mount Moriah Stables
1990 W 150th Ave Broomfield, CO 80023

Provides equine facilitated mental health activities for therapy and learning in a peaceful and private setting. Eligibility: Willingness to interact with horses.

Mountain Voice Health
4667 16th Street Boulder, CO 80304
Hours: Tues-Friday by appointment

Individual and couples counseling for Veterans and their Families. Eligibility: None

Marcus Institute for Brain Health
12348 E. Montview Blvd Aurora, CO 80045
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:00PM

The Marcus Insitute for Brain Health provides exceptional care for for people with mild to moderate brain injuries, including concussions, and changes in psychological health. The MIBH has specialty services for Military Veterans with mild to moderate traumatic brain injuries and post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety. Eligibility: Veterans (regardless of discharge status) with persistent mild/moderate TBI conditions along with associated mental health challenges. DD214, 6 months post injury.

No Barriers Warriors
312 Stover St. Fort Collins, CO 80521

No Barriers Warriors improves the lives of Veterans with disabilities through curriculum-based expeditions in challenging environments. Eligibility: We serve Veterans with service-connected disabilities. Proof of service (DD214) and proof of service- connected disability (VA letter) are needed to apply.

Operation EQUINE
PO Box 3343 Broomfield, CO 80223

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Learning, and Coaching for Military Service Members, Veterans, First Responders and their families, caregivers, and supporters. Eligibility: Active Military Service Member, Veteran, First Responder, or any of their family members, caregivers, or supporters.

Operation TBI Freedom: A Program of Craig Hospital
565 Communications Cir #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80905

Operation TBI Freedom (OTF) is a program of Craig Hospital that provides support for Veterans and Active Duty Military personnel with traumatic brain injuries (TBI). OTF provides long-term continuity of care/case management/direct service assistance to Veterans and Service Members who have suffered a TBI and who meet eligibility criteria. Eligibility: Served in any branch or component of the Military at least one day on or after 9/11/01. Residing in Colorado. Evidence or history of traumatic brain injury event(s). TBI must have occurred after start of Military Service, whether Active, Reserve, or Veteran status.

Project Healing Waters
7800 E Orchard Rd #400 Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Dedicated to the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled Veterans, our participants, through fly fishing and associated activites including education and outings. Eligibility: VA Disability rating

Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center
1700 N Wheeling St. #122 Aurora, CO 80045

VA Eastern Colorado Health Care System Eligibility: Must live in a 30mi. radius of 1055 Clermont St. Denver 80220, trouble getting to primary care appointments, complex medical needs, homebound, or benefit from interdisciplinary team care at home. Telehealth – evaluation by geriatrician or palliative care, medical doctor with a social worker present, trouble getting to Rocky Mountain Regional, able to get to closest CBOC in southern Colorado or conduct video visit in home. Geropsychologist also available for caregiver support & dementia education.

River Deep Foundation
We provide outings such as hunting,fishing,archery,art classes, camping,boating,and similar outings for wounded Veterans and Family members Eligibility: Veteran or Active Duty.

The Sturm Center (Behavioral Health) – University of Denver
10730 E. Bethany Dr. Ste 395 Aurora, CO 80014
Hours: Mon-Thurs: 0830-1900, Fri: 0830-1500

The Sturm Center provides individual, group, couples/family, and child/adolescent therapy services. We also provide a wide variety of types of psycological assessment, including objective medical evidence assesments for VA disability claims and discharge status upgrades. Eligibility: Veterans, no matter discharge status, combat status or era. Service members, including Guard and Reserve. Family members/Supportive others. Kids/Adolescents. Please call 303- 871-7942 to initiate services. No official referral is needed.

Veterans Crisis line
Text 838255
If you’re a Veteran in crisis or concerned about one, there are caring, qualified VA responders standing by to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Wings and Warriors Western Slope
486 Morning Glory Land #A Grand Junction, CO 81504

Suicide prevention by helping Veteran to train/ provide service dog for their specific needs. Eligibility: Application and approval by board.

These resources were provided by Joining Community Forces, an entity of the Colorado National Guard Family Program Office, a voluntary military and community cooperative partnership organized to allow service providers to engage in a multi-service networking to assist with connecting Service Members and Families to local military or community resources. More resources can be found here.

Credit: Source link