Project Healing Waters to bring 13th group to county | Community


Potter County residents are invited to take to the streets to honor the veterans participating in Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing.

The event, conducted by the Federation of Fly Fishers and Trout Unlimited, serves military personnel who have been wounded, injured or disabled to aid their physical and emotional recovery by introducing or rebuilding the skills of fly fishing and fly tying and by using these skills on fishing outings.

The public is invited to take part in 40-mile parade/motorcycle escort welcoming the veterans to Potter County on Tuesday, May 24. The vehicles will leave Shinglehouse at 1 p.m. and travel past the Oswayo Senior Center before making a brief stop at the high school. Traveling south on Route 44 then on Route 49, it will enter downtown Coudersport at 2 p.m.

After passing through and around the downtown, the parade travels east on Route 6 and through the parking area/entrance of Morgan AM&T and Sweden Valley Manor. The caravan then backtracks on Route 6 and through the UPMC Cole campus before a stop at the Coudersport Legion Post #195 for a beverage and snack break.

Leaving the Legion at 3:15 p.m., the convoy heads south on Route 872 where it will be met by the Austin firetruck which will lead the parade through Austin and finally to the final destination, the First Fork Lodge in Costello, where the veteran guests will stay.

For the next four days, May 24-27, the God’s Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited will host 15 veterans who make up the 13th Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing class in cooperation with the Moore’s Run Fish and Game Preserve. This year’s event is to honor the veterans of the Global War on Terror.

The parade is meaningful to those attending.

“The trip was overwhelming,” said one guest. “I couldn’t believe all the people out there with signs and flags. It was really, really emotional, and they don’t know how much we appreciated that. When I returned from Vietnam 45 years ago, they didn’t do anything for us, not even in my hometown.”

Everything is provided free to the participating veterans. The program provides basic fly fishing, fly casting and fly tying classes and clinics for the wounded and injured personnel. Their skills range from beginners to those with prior fly fishing and tying experience who are adapting their skills to their new abilities.

The local Trout Unlimited chapter is soliciting donations to offset the cost of food, lodging, fly tying tools and materials. Tax deductible contribution may be sent to the God’s Country Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Box 702, Coudersport, PA 16915.

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