Pro Tips: Simple Keys to Casting in the Wind


Last week, I hosted Orvis Week at Swain’s Cay Lodge in The Bahamas, where the fishing was great, but several days required the anglers to deal with a stiff wind. Of course, Bahamian guides are accustomed to dealing with this problem–finding leeward flats, positioning the boat to help the angler on the bow, and offering instruction–but some of the guests expressed frustration at their inability to make the casts they wanted to make. In this helpful video from Mad River Outfitters, guide Shawn Leadon demonstrates a common error, in which the angler tries to overpower the delivery cast. As he explains, power is not the answer. Instead, you need to keep your rod tip moving along a straight path and the stop the rod at eye level.

By the way, if you’re interested in becoming a better flats angler and caster, Orvis casting guru Pete Kutzer is hosting two schools this year: one next month at Delphi Club on Abaco Island, and one in October at Swain’s Cay on Mangrove Cay.

Stop the rod here on your delivery cast, and your loop will stay small.

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