Podcast: The Making of “Mending the Line,” with Joshua Caldwell


[Interview begins at 32:30]

This week my guest is Joshua Caldwell, director of the new movie Mending the Line, about a combat veteran with PTSD who works his way back into society with the help of a fly fishing curmudgeon. (The film opens in theaters today.) The movie stars Sinqua Walls, Perry Mattfeld, and Brian Cox as the old curmudgeon (of course). It’s a story that could easily fall into cliche, but I found it to be heartwarming and compelling, and the casting is excellent. Josh talks about the trials and tribulations of making the movie in a short time frame, challenged by tough weather. It’s a fascinating peek behind the curtain of an independent film.

In the Fly Box, we have the following questions and helpful tips:

  • What is your opinion of an approved IGFA leader for tarpon as opposed to using a straight 60- or 80-pound leader?
  • I am having trouble with the partridge hackle on size 20 Soft Hackle wets. Can you help?
  • How much time should I spend in each little pocket when bluelining?
  • I have a Recon Saltwater 7, and I want to get a 7-weight freshwater version. How much difference is there between the two?
  • Will a black bottom on my boat spook fish in shallow water?
  • A great letter from a fly fisher in Switzerland detailing how to negotiate the tricky fishing regulations in his country
  • Can I use a tippet ring with different tippet sizes, even ones that are quite different in diameter?
  • Do stocked trout move as much as a mile, or do they stay close to where they are stocked?

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