Podcast: Have we gone too far with native species? with Kirk Deeter


[Interview starts at 44:41]

This week, my guest is Kirk Deeter, editor of Trout Magazine.  Kirk is never one to shy away from controversy, and our topic this week is the concept of native species and the feasibility of trying to turn back the clock.  We also ramble a bit about the state of the fly-fishing world in general, but as always Kirk is thoughtful and incisive in his views.

In the Fly Box, we have some especially great tips from listeners and some interesting questions:

  • Some great tips from a listener on how to hook gar on the fly without resorting to yarn
  • A comment from a listener on the probability of tiger trout being produced naturally in wild trout populations.
  • Do I need a click-and-pawl reel on my bamboo rod, and do I need to get a special fly line?
  • Do you have some tips for catching bonefish in the Florida Keys by wading from shore?
  • How should I clean my waders if I fish multiple watersheds in a single day?
  • Because mayfly nymphs wiggle their tails in the water, why don’t we tie more nymphs with flexible tails?
  • What are the essential fly materials to take if you’re going to tie on a fishing trip?
  • How can I catch smallmouth bass on a fly in deep lakes?
  • A great tip from a listener on how to pick up beads and hooks around your tying bench–and also to recapture flies that fall out of your box on the river.
  • A great tip from a listener on how to practice casting heavily weighted flies.
  • I found a fly line that had been soaking in salt water.  Do you think it’s still good to use?
  • How do I de-magnetize a pair of forceps?
  • How can I target trout in small creeks during the winter?

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