Podcast: David Brooks on Saving Water for Trout


[Interview starts at 43:45]

In this week’s podcast, my guest is David Brooks, executive director of Montana Trout Unlimited. With prevailing drought conditions in the western United Sates and increased demand from many users–from agriculture to municipalities to recreational angling–how can we balance the use of water?  David explains the difference between the riparian doctrine used mostly in the eastern United Sates and the prior-appropriation doctrine used in western states, and explains how users have come together to apportion water for human use and for keeping enough water in rivers to support healthy trout populations.  It’s not easy and often contentious, but it’s a fascinating issue and there is hope that with wise use of water by all stakeholders we can support ranchers, farmers, cities, and healthy trout populations.

In the Fly Box, we have some interesting questions and tips, including:

  • A note from The Mayfly Project on cities where they’re looking for volunteers to help mentor foster kids in fly fishing.
  • When I catch a fish and it jumps all over the pool, does that spook other fish?
  • What is the best way to kill and prepare a trout for eating?
  • How much distance do you gain from the double haul?
  • What are the reasons for strip-setting in salt water and not for trout?
  • A tip on keeping your fly line from falling back inside the guides when making shorts casts on small streams.
  • A heartwarming thank-you note to Nick Lyons.
  • How can I keep my flies in the strike zone longer in fast-moving saltwater current?
  • What is the best way to light a fly while it’s in the vise?
  • Why did people in a fly shop tell me that Euro nymphing is cheating?
  • What is an appropriate amount to tip a guide, and is it the same from multiple days as it is for a single day?
  • When the kokanee start running up into my trout stream, the trout stop biting.  Why?
  • Which way would you lean for a dry-fly specific rod?
  • My guide puts his thumb in the mouth of smallmouth bass to revive them.  Is this effective and would it be valid for other species?

Credit: Source link