Podcast: All About Emergers, with Tim Cammisa


Interview begins at 41:06.

I get frequent questions about fishing emergers, and it’s a confusing subject. Do I fish one like a nymph or like a dry, and how deep should I fish it? My guest this week, Tim Cammisa, is a well-known fly tier who specializes in doing presentations on tying and fishing emergers, so I thought it would be great to get his tips on them. He shares some great insights that will help you tie and fish these transitional patterns more effectively.

In the Fly Box, we have some interesting questions and thoughtful tips form listeners, including:

  • How do you deal with adding and removing split shot?
  • What should I use to touch up the finish on an old bamboo fly rod?
  • I have some old leader material that is difficult to tighten. Is it because the nylon is old?
  • Why do we think we need so much backing on reels? And why are light lines as long as heavier lines?
  • Can I wear hunting waders for winter fishing?
  • Will stocked trout spawn in rivers if they survive to spawning season?
  • A great tip from a listener on handy modifications you can make to any fly-tying vise
  • Do you know of one pair of sunglasses that will adapt to changing light situations?
  • I am confused by all the hook styles and bead types for Euro nymphs.  Can you narrow it down to three styles of hooks and beads in various sizes?
  • What do you think of fishing pegged beads?
  • If I tie a mono rig, can you clinch knot the mono directly to the permanent loop in the fly line?
  • For prescription sunglasses, what color lens and brand do you recommend?
Photo from Tim’s book, Fly Tying for Everyone.

Credit: Source link