Outdoor Notes — July 16 | Travel And Outdoors


Walking for Wellness hikes

If you like to hike but don’t have anyone to hike with (and even if you do), join the upcoming Walking for Wellness hikes. On July 27, the planned hike will cover a section of the Appalachian Trail from Washington Monument State Park, 6620 Zittlestown Road, Middletown, to Reno Monument, a total of 4 miles. The Aug. 10 hike, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., covers about 4½ miles roundtrip on the Big Red Trail at Greenbrier State Park, 8134 Mountain Laurel Road, Boonsboro. And on Aug. 24, make a 5.8-mile hike covering a section of the AT between the Ensign Cowall parking lot, 11360 Wolfsville Road, Smithsburg, and Warner Hollow Road. Hikes begin at 9 a.m. For more information and to register, call 301-791-4767 or email cecelia.melton@maryland.gov.

Rules reminder for fishing Carroll Creek, Culler Lake

An increase in fishing in the restricted area of Carroll Creek has prompted Frederick City officials to remind the public that fishing is not allowed in some parts of the creek. Fishing is prohibited between the brick bridge to the north of the William R. Diggs Memorial Swimming Pool and the East Patrick Street Station, where the creek intersects East Patrick Street. Other restrictions include blind and youth fishing (15 and under, no license required) from U.S. 15 to College Avenue. Open fishing is allowed from College Avenue to the Diggs Pool Bridge and from East Patrick Street to Highland Street. To fish open fishing areas, which also includes Culler Lake, persons 16 and older must have a Maryland fishing license. For fishing regulations, license and creel limits for fishing in Maryland, visit dnr.maryland.gov.

Snake mysteries, scavenger hunt at Cunningham Falls State Park

Learn about snakes found in Maryland during the 3 p.m. talk on July 16 in the Manor Area Visitor Center on Cunningham Falls Park Road of Cunningham Falls State Park, Thurmont. At 11 a.m. July 17, join a 1.25-mile hike and wildlife scavenger hunt at the Nature Center at South Beach on William Houck Drive. Be a weed warrior by helping to pull invasive plants in the park from 9 to 11 a.m. July 20; meet at the Nature Center at South Beach. And on July 22 and 30, meet at the Houck Amphitheater on Campground Drive for a program on Sounds of the Night. Learn the sounds of cicadas, katydids and more. Bring a flashlight, and you need to RSVP to carolyn.leamond@maryland.gov to pre-register and to learn more about these events. Park entrance fees apply.

Md. Sport Fishing Awards presented

The Maryland Sport Fisheries Advisory Commission and Maryland Department of Natural Resources named Capt. Bruno M. Vasta and the late James W. Gracie as recipients of the Maryland Sport Fisheries Achievement Awards for 2022. The award honors individuals who have “provided sustained efforts in habitat management, conservation, education, research, or other meaningful contributions that benefit recreational fishing in Maryland.” Vasta has served in various capacities with the Maryland Saltwater Sportfishing Association, represented the state as a governor-appointed member of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission and led the effort to create an artificial reef off Solomon’s Island, among other contributions. Gracie, a Baltimore native, was recognized for his lifelong support of trout fishing and championing water quality and restoration. He was a founding member of the Maryland chapter of Trout Unlimited and pioneered a program to teach Baltimore youth about fishing and aquatic education. The awards will be presented later this year. Nominations for the 2023 reward will be accepted beginning Dec. 1, with a deadline of Jan. 31, 2023. Previous recipients of the award include Frederick native and world-renowned fly fisherman Bernard “Lefty” Kreh (2020), and Joe Brooks (2021), also a world-renowned saltwater fly fisherman and one of the founders of the Brotherhood of the Jungle Cock, an organization that works to bring outdoor recreation to youth. BOJC was formed by a group of fly fishermen in 1939, while stranded in their cabin during a snowstorm near the banks of Hunting Creek at Thurmont. Maryland chapter of BOJC holds its annual Campfire at Thurmont the weekend after Mother’s Day.

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