North Country Angling: The growth of the angling economy | Fishing


One of the unexpected outcomes of the current pandemic was the growth in outdoor activities. Hiking, biking, skiing and boating all experienced growth in 2020-2021.

Another activity that had been stagnant but grew was angling. Nationwide, the number of anglers grew to over 50 million and with over 3 million trying angling for the first time. Ninety percent of those new anglers are committed to continuing in the sport.

Female anglers reached an all time high with almost 18 million participants. Youth participation was over 11 million. Fly-fishing anglers were over 7 million, another all time high.

New Hampshire anglers experienced similar growth. Fishing license sales grew by 17 percent in 2020 and 2021 is on a trajectory to match 2020.

There are more anglers coming to New Hampshire and more anglers mean a strain on services of all kinds. Restaurants, lodging, access, law enforcement, and number of fish available for anglers are all under pressure. Especially here in the Mount Washington Valley.

New Hampshire Fish and Game recognizes these challenges and is being proactive in meeting the needs of the future of angling. During the first half of 2021, the N.H. Fish Hatchery Advisory Committee held weekly meetings to determine the future direction of trout angling for the state.

This committee tackled challenges like modernizing the fish hatchery system, meeting the expectations of the trout angling community, protecting New Hampshire’s wild fish and generating revenues to fund these programs.

It was an honor to be a member of the Fish Hatchery Committee. Here are some of the facts that were learned as part of the process.

When considering both licensed anglers and those outside the required criteria to hold a license bracket, it is likely that over 200,000 anglers fish New Hampshire waterways annually of which 75 percent or approximately 150,000 are New Hampshire residents.

Based on this data, angling, by New Hampshire residents, is one of the most participated in recreational activities across all age groups.

Angling is a key element of New Hampshire’s recreation experience. According to the 2021 report, 79 percent of respondents stated that they enjoyed fishing along with other traditional outdoor recreation activities (camping 40 percent, bicycling 30 percent, hiking 28 percent, running 26 percent and hunting 22 percent).

In Fish and Game’s 2016 Responsive Management report, when asked to rate the importance of recreational fishing to them relative to other activities (on a scale of 0 to 10) 31 percent of respondents rated angling a 10 with a mean of 7.56.

For many New Hampshire residents and visitors fishing opportunities are central to their recreational experience.

Recreational fishing in New Hampshire was estimated by the American Sportfishing Association to contribute over $338 million to the New Hampshire economy in 2018 with direct spending of $209 million by anglers.

Department data on angler preference shows that there is broad support for the stocking program with 9 in 10 supporting stocking.

Satisfaction among Coldwater anglers is highest among those who fish remote ponds (76 percent). Stocked brook trout and rainbow trout outperform wild brook trout by approximately 10 percent at 62 percent, 61 percent and 52 percent respectively, while only brown trout and landlocked salmon enjoy satisfaction rates below the median for all fish species.

By promoting the increased stocking of high traffic rivers and ponds and the increase in the availability of wild fish, New Hampshire can encourage more anglers to participate.

With the announcement by Gov. Chris Sununu this week, via Instagram, that the hatchery modernization program will be funded, are you ready, Mount Washington Valley? The angling economy is upon us.

The higher water levels of our streams and brooks mean that fish are moving throughout the watershed. If fish are not where they were yesterday, move upstream. You will find the fish.

Steve Angers, a native to the Conway area, is the author of the book “Fly Fishing New Hampshire’s Secret Waters” and operates the North Country Angler.

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