My River – James Buckley


Here at Fish and Fly we realise that our rivers are at a crossroads. Never has there been as much water demand from industrial, agricultural, and domestic usage. Never has abstraction been such an issue. Insidious pollution is on the rise. Predation is seen as a threat by every river expert. Invertebrate numbers are crashing in many rivers. Numbers of canoeists, boarders and free swimmers grow annually. Poaching is a largely untackled problem. Numbers of wild fish, game species, and coarse, are in decline in many places. Faith in the Environment Agency is at an all-time low. Conservation post-Brexit is in the melting pot. Yet, there are reasons to be cheerful. In our travels UK wide, we meet river anglers who are doing sterling work and keep the faith in the future. In this series, we talk to those whose lives revolve around rivers and river fishing. These are the true experts, the men and the women on the river bank, day in, day out. It is upon these people, and scores like them, that our wild river fishing depends. This, we hope, is their platform. 

We begin with James Buckley, an under keeper on the Wherwell beat of the Test. James is 20 years old and that in itself is proof that our rivers can attract the young and that the future is not necessarily bleak. We met up with James on a glorious early winter grayling session on this historic river.

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