Master Class Monday: The Rule of Small


Written by: Dave Jensen, Jensen Fly Fishing

When you’re fishing clear water in times of prolonged drought, trout are very likely to have seen pressure. Typically, anglers use larger flies that cause enough surface disturbance that trout quickly notice. If it’s terrestrial or stonefly season, it might be okay to encroach on their personal space, but even at the peak of those “hatch” windows, these conditions usually lend themselves to smaller flies. This video shares a lesson Amelia learned on a small spring creek. The first trip, she spooked the trout, but on the second outing, she applied the “Rule of Small” to the conditions and had success with this beautiful brown.

Watch for further installments of Master Class Monday every week here at Orvis News, in the Advanced Tactics playlist our You Tube Channel, and on the new Advanced section of our Orvis Fly Fishing Learning Center.

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