Master Class Monday: How to Catch Trout Rising in Flat Water


When you see a big trout rising to mayflies, your first impulse is to cast right away, but as Amelia Jensen of Jensen Fly Fishing explains, your best bet is to slow down, watch, and wait. “Your first cast needs to be your best cast,” she explains, or you risk putting the fish down.

In this great episode of “Master Class Monday,” Amelia walks you through the process of finding, casting to, and catching trout that are rising in the flat water along a high bank. Her step-by-step approach–involving stealth, observation, and accurate casting–will help you hook and land more trout in many different angling situations.

Watch for further installments of Master Class Monday every week here at Orvis News, in the Advanced Tactics playlist our You Tube Channel, and on the new Advanced section of our Orvis Fly Fishing Learning Center.

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