LIBRARY NEWS: Online Spanish Conversation on Google Meet


Online Spanish conversation
Next Monday, March 22 from 4-5 p.m. our online Spanish conversation group will gather on Google Meet to practice their skills together. Access the meeting using the Google Meet app and use the code, XRV-CSRE-KAV to join. Or, you may join on a computer by visiting the website

Contact Brad at the library if you have questions about using Google Meet.

Expanded hours
Your library has expanded the hours we are open to serve you under COVID Level Blue conditions:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday open 9am to 3pm, with 9-10am reserved for seniors and high-risk populations.
Tuesday and Thursday open 10am – 7pm for all.
With these new hours, there is a slight change to which staff are working on which days, which affects the times and days for some programs. Storytime has been moved from Wednesday to Thursday at 10 a.m. Tech Times are now from 3-4 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment.
One more change: Meeting rooms can now be used by up to five people

LEGO contest
Submissions must be turned in between March 22-26 for.this month’s free spring-themed all-ages LEGO contest. Winners will be announced on March 27 at 12:15pm with prizes for different age groups. Entries must be built ahead of time and they must be of your own creation, not a LEGO kit or from another source. Details and instructions are outlined on the youth calendar available at your library.

Storywalk for kids
Weather permitting, every other Thursday Josie posts signs outside the library that follow the sidewalk up towards the Elementary School detailing a new free Storywalk for kids. The March 11-24 theme is sharing warmth. After you finish the walk, pick up materials for a craft or activity at the library.

After-school program
In response to COVID, we have revamped our free after-school program into STEAM enrichment kits, STEAM standing for science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics, for ages five and up. Registration is required at 970-264-2209. Pick up your kit and then bring your completed projects back to the library to be displayed in the last week of the month.

DIY craft takeaway for kids
Drop by your library for free DIY crafts takeaways for youngsters age 10 and older during open hours. Pick up a packet outside the library.

Free in-person classes take place Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 -7 p.m. by appointment. Please register so we can keep it to a small group in our limited open spaces.  No walk-ins, please.

Dungeons & Dragons
Join us Wednesdays from 4-6 p.m. for Dungeons & Dragons free for teens and young adults on Google Meet.  Contact to learn how to join. If you don’t have internet access, contact us anyway – we may be able to accommodate you in the library.

Adult education
Our free PALS (Pagosa Adult Learning Services) sessions take place in person on Fridays between noon and 3 p.m. where Mark helps with high school equivalency, GED, college prep, financial aid, tutoring and more. Contact the library to schedule your appointment.

Mysteries, suspense and thrillers
“The Wife Upstairs” by Rachel Hawkins features a broke dog walker looking to marry a rich man whose wife had died. “Before the Ruins” by Victoria Gosling follows four teen friends spending the nigh in an empty manor house. “The Voter File” by David Pepper is a political thriller. “One Small Sacrifice” by Hilary Davidson features NYPD Det. Sheryn Sterling. “To Tell You The Truth” by Gilly MacMillan focuses on a bestselling writer. “Let Me Lie” by Clare Mackintosh is a psychological thriller. “Still Life” is written by Val McDermid, the U.K.’s “Queen of Crime.”

“40 Days with God” by Kent Hickey shows you how to steal a few moments each day for a journey through the Bible. “Liftoff” by Eric Berger documents Elon Musk’s Spacex from a startup to a leading-edge rocket company. “All Men Must Die” by Carolyne Larrington explores the world of “Game of Thrones.” “The Unseasonable Virtue of Fly Fishing” by Mark Kurlansky combines history, sport and a memoir to describe the joys of fly fishing.

Other novels
“The Noel Letters” by Richard Paul Evans follows a trail of letters leading to a Christmas revelation. “Fifty Words for Rain” by Asha Lemmie is a coming-of-age novel set in post-World War II Japan. “The Fortunate Ones” by Ed Tarkington features two private school friends, one rich and one poor. “The Arrest” by Jonathan Lethem is a post-collapse novel about two siblings. “The Future is Yours” by Dan Frey features a computer that lets you see your life a year from now. “Dark Horses” by Susan Mihalic features a teen’s struggle to reclaim her life from an abusive father.

For their generous monetary donations, we thank the Town of Pagosa Springs as well as Susan and Terry Arrington. For materials donations, we thank our anonymous donors. Please put your materials donations into the dropbox at the library – not at City Market, which is reserved for returns. Donations undergo the same rigorous three-day quarantine process as returns.

Quotable Quote
“To achieve great things you need a plan and not quite enough time.” – Leonard Bernstein (1918-1990), American composer, conductor and pianist.

For more information on library books, services and programs – and to reserve books, e-books, books on CD and DVDs from the comfort of your home – please visit our website at

Carole Howard & Library Staff

The Ruby Sisson Memorial Library has been located at 811 San Juan Street (corner of S. 8th and Hwy 160) since 1989. The library is overseen by the Upper San Juan Library District, a tax-funded special district in Archuleta County.

Credit: Source link