Leadhead Squid Rig for White Sea bass a deadly technique | BDOutdoors


On a recent trip, we were able to jump on with Christian Sekas from Sekas Sportfishing.  I came equipped with just about every method to rig a squid from dropper loop, fly line, balloon rigs, and anything else you can think of. 

Christian was quick to help me simplify my approach and while all the above methods have their time and place for application for us we stripped down our presentation to just using a leadhead with squid approach.

Leading edge, the side of the Kelp Bed that current is hitting first.

As I said above different conditions and structures require different approaches, for this day in particular we were targeting the leading edge of several kelp beds.  The leadhead and squid approach allows you to cast your presentation and drift it back into the kelp.  As you fish your rig give it some pulses in and out of the kelp. 

Christian Sekas with a beauty.

As with most White Seabass fishing, evening and early morning were most productive for us and triggered the most attention to our bait.  Some other takeaways from utilizing this method were to slow things down, and visualize the squid cruising in its environment rather than fleeing.

From a rigging standpoint it’s important to note that not all leadheads are created equal for fishing the squid. Ideally, you want a leadhead with a bait keeper barb or ribs to assist in holding the bait in place. Other items to note, glow is always a nice addition. Today many leadheads are made with small wings which assist in giving your bait some additional action in the current.


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