Kelly Bostian: A little Illinois River know-how covers miles of good fly-fishing waters | Sports News


“I went back the next day and hammered ‘em,” he said.

He hit the clinic for all the different kinds of information, but especially the access tips, techniques and learning which flies to tie for smallmouth and stripers, he said.

“I really wanted to learn more about the different flies and strategies for smallmouth and stripers,” he said. “I’ve been trying to catch stripers below the dam at Texoma.”

A newcomer’s tip he picked up was that the weight and size of a fly rod and the corresponding line is not just for catching heavier fish, but for efficient casting of the larger flies used to pursue them, he said.

Stephen and Tonya Fetzik, newlyweds who split their time between Wichita, Kansas (his home) and Broken Arrow (her home) cycled through a pile of rainbow trout on the Lower Illinois Sunday—at least until I showed up with my camera.

The Upper Illinois trip was an eye-opener and one that will have them returning, Stephen Fetzik said.

“I had never even heard of the Neosho smallmouth bass,” he said. “I did catch a spotted bass Saturday and I’d never caught one of those before.”

Bill Andrews, another Broken Arrow resident, also caught a load of trout Sunday morning—until I started hovering nearby and distracting him with my camera.

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