Friday Fly-Fishing Film Festival 05.07.21


Welcome to an all new edition of the Orvis News Friday Fly-Fishing Film Festival! Every week, we scour the Web for the best fly-fishing videos available and then serve them up for you to enjoy. This week, we’ve got 11 cool videos featuring an eclectic variety of mostly North American destinations–from Pennsylvania to Alberta and from Northern Ontario to the Smoky Mountains. More exotic locales include New Zealand and southwestern England Not much saltwater this week, but that one fish is a doozy.

For best results, watch all videos at full-screen and in high definition. Remember, we surf so you don’t have to. But if you do stumble upon something great that you think is worthy of inclusion in a future F5, please post it in the comments below, and we’ll take a look.

Alex from Trippin’ on Trout has a four-day backcountry adventure on New Zealand’s South Island.

Ohio is not known for its wooded fly-fishing rivers, but Brian Flechsig of Mad River Outfitters introduces us to his shop’s namesake.

Any snook on the fly is a blast, but a beast like this one is a true battle.

Some surface-action goodness from the Keystone State.

Orvis-endorsed guides in Alberta chase big Esox this time of year.

Chasing rainbows in Great Smoky Mountains National Park . . .

Our super-mellow Cornishman Luke Bannister is back on the water, swinging cane and catching trout.

Dunno where Shadow Mountain is (Colorado?), but it look pretty cool.

This is long, but it features some cool steelhead action that looks different from the standard cast-and-swing.

More big-trout action from New Zealand, featuring an absolute tank.

Finally, here’s a full episode of The New Fly Fisher in which Bill and Colin visit a Northern Ontario brook trout wonderland.

Credit: Source link