Friday Fly-Fishing Film Festival 03.17.23


Welcome to the St. Patrick’s Day edition of the Orvis News Friday Fly-Fishing Film Festival! Each week, we scour the Web for the best fly-fishing videos available, and curate them for you. This week, we’re featuring a dozen stunning productions, kicking things off with a little Irish music and angling action. From there, we take to places near–Utah and New Hampshire, for instance–and far–from New Zealand to Mexico, and from southern Africa to Central Europe.

For best results, watch all videos at full-screen and in high definition. Remember, we surf so you don’t have to. But if you do stumble upon something great that you think is worthy of inclusion in a future F5, please post it in the comments below, and we’ll take a look.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Here’s a gorgeous trailer from the Emerald Isle. You can see the full film here.

The Yellowstone National Park backcountry holds some of the world’s finest cutthroat trout fishing.

A young angler follows his dreams and learns a few lessons along the way.

Incredible stuff from Lesotho highlands, in the midst of South Africa.

Killer film of a float trip down Utah’s legendary Green River.

Just 94 seconds of New Zealand magic.

Live Free or Die. That’s how we roll in the Granite State.

Good times in Mexico, where the baby tarpon are hot.

A very cool solo trip on an Australian bass river.

They can’t spell, but they can fish.

A misty morning on a Bosnian grayling stream.

Dave and Amelia target big brown trout sitting on the edge of the river feeding on big grasshoppers.

Credit: Source link