Fishing: Trout fishing season expected to have good start


Taranaki Fish & Game staff are predicting a good start to the new trout fishing season when it gets under way on Thursday.

This winter and spring have brought no large, damaging floods. A regular series of minor to moderate freshes have maintained base-flows and helped scour out accumulated streambed algal growth.

Trout are now in feeding mode as water temperatures rise and the fish are looking to recover condition after spawning.

Current conditions will suit the fly fisher using weighted tungsten and gold-bead nymphs to get down to the fish. A two-nymph rig should also work well.

Spin fishing with toby, rapala and bladed spinners will also take fish in the larger river pools, while bait fishing with creeper, worm or soft baits will be productive in waters where bait is permitted.

Rivers such as the Waingongoro in south Taranaki hold good numbers of brown and rainbow trout, and the Patea River in the reach between Stratford and Toko will also produce some nice fish. The Waiwhakaiho and Manganui rivers in north and central Taranaki will be well worth a visit.

If rainfall makes the river conditions unsuitable on opening day, fishing in lakes Ratapiko, Rotomanu and Mangamahoe (fly fishing only) will be a good option.

Please check, clean and dry any clothing, equipment and fishing gear before moving between waterways to help prevent the spread of didymo, lake snow and other freshwater pests.

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