Fishing report: Fishing heats up on lower Yellowstone River | Outdoors


Kootenai River — The discharge from Libby Dam was 9,000 cfs and water temperatures were 48 degrees. Hatches are midge, caddis, PMDs and green drakes. Patterns: Zebra Midge, Parachute Adams, Yellow Haze, Parachute PMD, Rosenbauer’s Rabbit Foot Emerger, KPPT, Purple Haze, purple Chubby, red Chubby, Bugmeister, X-Caddis, Caddis Pupa, Bloom’s Caddis, tan Sparkle Dun, purple Chubby, BH Prince, soft SJ Worm, BH Pheasant Tail, BH Rubber-legged Stonefly, big streamers in white, pink and olive, Circus Peanut and black conehead Buggers. We recently received news that unless things change dramatically and the Corps of Engineers or Kootenai Tribe need to make a sudden adjustment, flows will remain at 9,000 cfs until around Labor Day. These conditions are a sweet spot, and one of our favorite summer flows. — Linehan Outfitting, Troy.

Yellowstone River, Miles City — The water level is low and the clarity is good. Anglers are catching sauger, walleyes, and some smallmouth bass. Catfish are also biting. People are using plastics, PowerBait and Twisters. Also live bait minnows, crawlers and leeches are working. Crankbaits are also producing at times. — Red Rock Sporting Goods, Miles City.

Beaverhead River — The river is fishing exceptionally well. There have been no slow days. The PMDs and yellow Sallies are out in force. Use PMDs before lunch and Yellow Sallies after and through the afternoon. The evening caddis fishing is great. As mentioned previously, we are seeing a lot of anglers on the river due to many freestone rivers being low, along with high water temperatures that are harmful to trout populations. Please be polite and courteous to fellow anglers. — Frontier Anglers, Dillon.

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