Fish on! Eye-opening, angler photos from the 2020 Upstate NY fall salmon run


The annual fall salmon spawning run up Lake Ontario tributaries is underway big-time from the Salmon River to the Lower Niagara River.

The following are some eye-opening catches by anglers .

In addition to rod-bending Chinook and coho salmon, the run also brings in an appreciable number of brown trout (which many say are running bigger this year than usual), Atlantic salmon and steelhead.

Gary Lewis of Wilson, N.Y. with a Lower Niagara River salmon, caught while fishing with Capt. Frank Campbell.

2020 fall salmon run

Migell Wedderburn, of Pennellville, N.Y. is all smiles after landing this nice Chinook salmon while fishing the Oswego River Sunday morning. “I had to test my new Sage Igniter Spey rod over the weekend,” he said. He added that he used an orange and chartreuse yarn fly. “For some reason this combination works well on that river.”

Send us your photos from “The Run.”

Fish photos should be sent to outdoors writer David Figura at Angler who caught the fish must be in the photo. In include the angler’s full name, where he or she lives, where and when the fish was caught – and on what.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Branden Scheltz, of Ithaca, N.Y. with a nice Salmon River Chinook salmon. Shane Muckey photo.

Photos will be added to this photo gallery as they received.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Jason Poole of Hanford, Ohio with a lower Niagara River Chinook salmon caught while fishing Devil’s Hole with Capt. Steve Drabczyk.

2020 fall salmon run

Sisters Tacie, 15, and Sydney, 12, Telesky of Milton, Pa. had good time recently fishing on the Salmon River in a drift boat with their father, Nick and guide Capt. Eric Geary of S.W.A.T. Fishing.

2020 fall salmon run

Mark Remington, of Watertown, landed this impressive Atlantic salmon this week in the Salmon River while fishing in downtown Pulaski. Photo courtesy of Shane Muckey of Altmar Outfitters.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Mike Ziehm of Niagara Falls, landed this impressive Chinook salmon in the Devil’s Hole area on the Lower Niagara River.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

George “Chumley” Deats, of Texas, N.Y. caught this pair of Chinook salmon on the Salmon River in downtown Pulaski.

2020 fall salmon run

Jacqueline McManus, of Mexico, N.Y., with a nice coho salmon she caught on the Salmon River in Pulaski on a pink estaz fly.

2020 fall salmon run

Troy Ray McMullen, of Auburn, landed this nice Chinook salmon this week on the Oswego River. He caught it fly fishing on a red estaz fly.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Patrick Slammon, of Buffalo, holds up a 20-pound, 37-inch Chinook salmon he caught Sept.10 on a Moonshine Spoon while fishing on the Olcott fishing pier.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Joann Mure of Bethel, N.Y., holds up a nice, Lake Ontario Chinook salmon she landed fishing off one of the Olcott piers.

2020 Fall salmon run

Scott Hillman, of Wrights Corners, N.Y., caught this nice, Lake Ontario Chinook salmon recently casting off the Olcott Pier. He said he used a two-piece, spinning rod; a Abu Gria Orra S 40 spinning reel; Stren 10lb monofilament line and a Firetiger Rapala J-13 lure.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Steve Schneider. of Downingtown, Pa. with a limit of Salmon River Chinook salmon. Shane Muckey photo.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Jon Newman, of Pennellville NY., caught this nice brown trout in the Oswego River. He said he used a Death Roe Natural Roe Egg.

2020 Fall Salmon Run

Anglers at fish cleaning station of Shane Muckey of Altmar Outfitters on the Salmon River. Photo courtesy of Shane Muckey.


Two Salmon River guides offer advice about catching salmon during the fall run (video)

Oswego County billboards, signs ask salmon anglers to social distance, wear masks

DEC: Due to low water, Salmon River fishing area closed ‘until further notice’

Examples of ‘that guy’ who infuriates others during the fall salmon run

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