Eric Charles Enger | Billings obituaries


Eric was also a true friend. If you were a friend of Eric’s, you hit the jackpot. He was always thinking of his friends and reaching out in his unique way to connect and to show his care, whether it was once a year touch, or getting a tee time, or passing on a job lead or just an encounter at the grocery store he would always check on you and your family.

Coach Eric says it all. He gave so much to all the kids that he coached throughout the years. A memory was when the towers were hit on 9-11. He gathered his “kids” around him and huddled up and said, “winning or losing or playing a game is not important, I want you to go home and hug your parents and family and tell them that you love them, that is all that matters”.

He looked forward to hunting, skiing, and fishing, packing snacks and of course some beer for the end of the day, successful or not. His joy in hunting was the “stalk” whether he tagged something or not. For fly fishing (he also had a nice spinner), he made sure both of his kids knew how to fish. Eric also decided he needed to learn to ski in his 30’s so that he would be there when his “babies” learned to ski. Oh, the stories to be told.

If you truly knew Eric, you knew his joy and, at times, obsession for music. He not only knew the song, the band, but who was the guitarist, drummer, bass player, year made, and on and on. He also knew so many sports, movie, history trivia facts. You could ask Eric the most obtuse question and almost every time he had the answer.

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