Downeast Trout Unlimited presents Megan Hess: Blue-wing Olive Mayfly Life Cycle, Winter Fishing Techniques


Downeast Trout Unlimited presents Megan Hess, “Blue-wing Olive Mayfly Life Cycle & Winter Fishing Techniques.”  This talk will discuss the life cycle of the blue wing olive, a prevalent mayfly during the winter hatch. It will describe techniques for each stage of the life cycle and will also include winter tips and tricks for flyfishing.

Hess’ talk is part of a Downeast Trout Unlimited meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2022, at 5:30 p.m., via Zoom. The public is welcome to this free program; registration required. 

With degrees in aquatic biology and environmental sciences Hess researched heavy metal contamination in water bodies in the national parks and is now the Environmental Services Coordinator for Orono. She is a registered Maine guide who loves to fish for native brook trout in northern Maine and for smallmouth bass on the Penobscot River. The founder of BeadHead Fishing Company, a guide and fly tying service in Hudson, Hess is also on the pro staff team for Old Town Canoe. 

She may be reached at or

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Contact Tammy Packie at for information
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DETU meetings are free and open to the public.  Trout Unlimited is a national non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of North American cold water fish species. Downeast Trout Unlimited is dedicated to conserving, protecting, and restoring Maine’s cold water fisheries and their watersheds.  Membership is open to all, go to to join and use chapter code 305 for Downeast Trout Unlimited.  For more information contact Tammy Packie, at or visit our Facebook page Downeast TU.

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