Cutthroat trout with PhDs growing well, big in Wyoming’s Flat Creek


More big fish were netted on Flat Creek by Wyoming Game and Fish Department biologists this year than in any year in recent memory, according to fish biologist Diana Miller.

The picturesque creek, which winds its way through the National Elk Refuge just north of Jackson, Wyoming, is well-known for its trophy-class Snake River cutthroat trout.

Each fish is weighed, measured and inspected for maladies such as gill lice and hooking scars before being returned back to their haunts in the waterway. This year’s calculated number of fish per mile easily eclipsed the previous 10-year high that was recorded in 2018, for both fish in the 13- to 16-inch range and for those over 16-inches. There were a number of fish in the 20-inch range with the largest being just over 21 inches and 3 pounds.

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On another positive note, Miller reported this was the first year they did not capture any nonnative brook trout. Fish managers have been asking anglers to keep any brook trout they catch from Flat Creek to reduce competition with native cutthroats.

These cutthroat have a reputation for being well-educated and difficult to catch. But when an angler does get one of the hefty cutts to take a fly, knots and line had better be sturdy.

In addition, Game and Fish also recently completed an exclosure fence along Flat Creek to keep wintering elk from browsing willows along the riparian area. Willows provide valuable bank stabilization to reduce sediment loads in the water and provide shading to maintain cooler water temperatures and protection from predators. Songbirds will also take advantage of the added willow habitat.

By all accounts, things are looking good for the fine-spotted Snake River cutthroat in Flat Creek. Anglers are encouraged to get out and try their luck in the coming weeks, as the annual fishing closure will begin Nov. 1.

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