Home Fly Fishing CommuniServe fundraiser honors service members on Veterans Day

CommuniServe fundraiser honors service members on Veterans Day


Nancy DeGennaro, Murfreesboro Daily News Journal
Published 11:02 a.m. CT Nov. 13, 2020



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After three tours in Vietnam, Bruce Rogan returned from his service in the U.S. Navy to the states without much fanfare. 

But Rogan’s service to country and community was recognized Wednesday at the inaugural Rutherford County Veteran of the Year awards ceremony presented by CommuniServe, a new Murfreesboro nonprofit focused on helping care for aging service members.

“I was overwhelmed. It was such a meaningful thing,” said Rogan, who was spotlighted for his service to Project Healing Waters, nonprofit that helps veterans heal emotional wounds through fly fishing program.

Honored for service

Rogan was one of three nominees, including Army veteran Michael McGuire and U.S. Air Force veteran Jason Ayers.

Local dignitaries gathered at the fundraiser for CommuniServe, where the three men were spotlighted for their service after the military during a sit-down dinner at Copper Ridge in Murfreesboro.

Following Rogan’s 24 years of service in the Navy, the Freemason member has organized veteran reunions and volunteered as a driver on the York VA Medical Campus in Murfreesboro.

It’s been his work with Project Healing Waters that has brought him the most joy through the organization’s mission to assist with the physical and emotional rehabilitation of disabled active military service personnel and disabled veterans.

One of the most memorable interactions with one of the participants was a veteran who struggled with immense physical challenges. “But you’d have thought he won the lottery the first time he caught a fish,” Rogan recalled.

Not only does he take veterans on excursions, but the monthly meetings teach classes on the art of fly fishing. Although they are Zoom meetings for now, Rogan looks forward to the time when they can gather in person again.

“It’s really a lot of fun,” Rogan said.

Michael McGuire spent a combined 13 years with U.S. Army and Alabama Army National Guard, deploying to Iraq and Afghanistan, where he served as a

light wheel vehicle mechanic and convoy security.

After leaving military duty in 2014, McGuire was diagnosed with PTSD and struggled until he connected with Veterans Adventure Group in 2016. He is now head of the group’s skydiving team and hosts events that include family members of those veterans who have lost their lives to suicide. 

Jason Ayers, owner of Veterans Pressure Washing, spent his life giving back to his family and community. After five deployments on four different continents during six years of active duty, the U.S. Air Force veteran garnered multiple awards and medals.

Because his love of hunting and fishing, Ayers joined The Fallen Outdoors Prostaff and now serves as president of the Team Tennessee chapter.


ThorSport Farm in Murfreesboro took horses to visit the Tennessee Veterans’ Home in Murfreesboro.

Murfreesboro Daily News Journal

What is CommuniServe?

In addition to honoring the veterans for volunteer work, CommuniServe seeks to give back to the veterans in need. For many veterans, getting in-home care they desperately need is cost-prohibitive. So CommuniServe wants to take cost out of the equation.

This year CommuniServe is on pace to provide 300 free hours of non-medical care for veterans in Rutherford County, said executive director Kory Kemper. Those hours may include offering light house work, cooking meals and getting help with personal hygiene. 

The small success in such a short time frame has spurred Kemper to set the goal of providing 3,000 hours of care in 2021.

Although some veterans get benefits from the Veterans Administration, Kemper said it’s most often, just not enough.

“A lot of them are on a fixed income. They can’t afford any more,” Kemper said. “They fought in a war for the U.S. and they’ve become disabled as a result of making that sacrifice. This is a great way to pay them back. … We want them to have the quality of life they need so they don’t have to suffer.”

If CommuniServe isn’t able to provide, Kemper said his goal is to get those families connected with the services they need.

“My goal is to get a resource network set up,” Kemper said. “If I can’t I want to get you to the right person who can.”

To learn more about CommuniServe, visit communiservetn.org, email info@communiservenashville.org, call 615-410-2293 or visit the office at 402-B Uptown Square in Murfreesboro.

Reach reporter Nancy DeGennaro at degennaro@dnj.com and follow her on Twitter @NanDeGennaro. 

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