Clay Got Bit By A Tick And Here’s What Happens Next [PHOTO]


We have been having a rather dry start to 2021. Even with the rain over the last couple of days, there is a moderate drought in the Western New York area and that has made for some good conditions to be outside working.

If you listen to the show, you know that I try to get outside as much as possible. From hunting to working to running, being outdoors is my getaway! With our three sons at home, I make it a point to get them as much fresh air as we can on a daily basis. I am big on making sure that we are all dressed properly when we go outside. We have a small farm in the southern tier and this past weekend, my wife Elizabeth and I were extra vigilant about the threat of ticks.

This past Monday, I was getting ready for dinner after working out in our yard and noticed what I thought was a new skin tag on my lower back/hip area. I showed Elizabeth and she recognized that it was not a skin tag, it was in fact a tick!

I had jeans and boots and a long sleeve t-shirt on when I was working and have no clue how that tick got under my shirt. My only mistake, as I found out later, was that I did not spray my clothes with some sort of tick repellent.

The tick just moments after we found it on my skin!

I am lucky to have a few doctors and veterinarians in the family that I can contact in a situation like this. The tick was not coming off with just my fingers. Elizabeth used tweezers to remove what looks like a Dog Tick from my skin. The tick was removed in tact which is good. It had not gotten deep in my skin at that point. I did remember that someone told me Vaseline is helpful to get ticks off and that also seemed to help.

On the advice of my family and friends, I plan to see my primary doctor this week just to be sure that there are no issues from the bite. There was some irritation the next morning and I may need some antibiotics to prevent any sort of infection or illness.

Often the worry is that ticks can carry Lyme disease. However, there are other concerns such as Rocky Mounted Spotted Fever. The antibiotic, Deoxycycline, seems to be commonly prescribed after a tick bite and in most cases it is recommended that it is taken for up to 4 weeks!

The bite area has some irritation and a little swelling.

It may be a good idea to check the tick and flea medication that your pets have and get them ready for a busy and strong tick season!

Do yourself a favor and wear the proper clothing, spray with repellent and look for ticks on a regular basis when you are outside! The good weather will be here after the rain and I am not going to let ticks keep us away from enjoying the things we like to do in the fields and woods!

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