Bugging Out: Learn About Dry Fly Rises With Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer


Orvis’ Tom Rosenbauer is the O.G. of fly fishing education. And his short film on rises to dry flies is a solid education on how best to play bug detective on the water.

It’s dry fly season! And, for me personally, there’s nothing more fun than fishing dry flies on summer waters. Watching a fish rise to a fly you’ve chosen (or even tied yourself) is beyond exciting. But, a little knowledge can make the action that much sweeter.

Tom Rosenbauer is always putting out new content on how to better yourself on the fly. And his latest film is a shortie but goodie on how to recognize what fish may be eating, how to determine whether fish are big or small, and the best tactics for choosing a fly. Hint: be both exploratory and flexible.

It’s a great rehash for folks who know a bit about fishing dry flies. And if you’re looking for something with a tad more depth, Orvis and Rosenbauer recently dropped a 24-minute guide dedicated to dry flies as well.

By Nicole Qualtieri

Based in Montana, Nicole Qualtieri is GearJunkie’s Hunt + Fish Editor. A DIY hunter, she comes from a non-traditional hunting background and began hunting and fishing in her 30s.

She’s been a voice for hunting, fishing, and conservation since 2014, when she got started working on the television show MeatEater. She’s an avid horsewoman, bird dog aficionado, snowboarder, hiker/backpacker, food nerd, and all-around outdoorswoman. Find her online at @nkqualtieri.

Topics: Hunt / Fish

Tags: fishing, fly fishing

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