Bird walk, trap shoot, Trout Unlimited


Audubon bird walk

A Greater Mohican Audubon Society Bird Walk will be held from 9-11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 23, at Byers Woods in Ashland County. The walk is free and open to the public, and all levels of birders are welcome. Participants are encouraged to take a pair of binoculars. Meet in the parking lot at Byers Woods, 675 County Road 1754, Ashland. For more information, contact Tim Leslie at 419-289-2626.

Advanced trappers workshop

An advanced trapper workshop will be held 8:30 a.m. Oct. 30-31 at the Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area headquarters, 1691 Centerville Road, Shreve. The event is free.

Take weather appropriate gear, some type of waterproof boots and/or waders; people may bring their own traps. The workshop is for all ages and all levels. There will be hands-on activities with classroom time to learn about the rules and regulations. Traps will be set on Saturday and will be checked Sunday. Participants will learn how to skin animals and put up the furs. RSVP by Tuesday, Oct. 26, to Josh Wengerd at 330-464-4861.

Mobility impaired deer hunt

The Wayne County Izaak Walton League is sponsoring a mobility impaired (wheelchair) deer hunt, which allows permanently or temporarily disabled hunters an opportunity to hunt during deer gun season. Hunting experience is not required, but a valid hunting license and deer permit are required of each hunter. The hunt location is 6928 Cedar Valley Road, West Salem.

The hunt is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 29, and will run as many days as needed to give each hunter two days in the deer blind. There are wheelchair accessible carts to transport hunters and four covered blinds to hunt from.

The application deadline is Nov. 13. There will be a hunter orientation at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 21. The orientation will allow hunters to view the blinds and become familiar with the club grounds before their time to hunt. Call Roger Schrader at 330-263-6432 for an application.

Trout Unlimited meeting

The Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited will meet at 7:15 p.m. today at First Presbyterian Church, 621 College Ave., Wooster. People attending in person are asked to wear a mask. A Zoom option is available as well. For access, email and confirm the meeting date and include name and email address. An invitation to the Zoom meeting will be sent. Those who attended meetings by Zoom last spring, but did not attend last month, also must send the email request to continue using Zoom this fall.

There will be a discussion of chapter activities, including planning for the fall trout stocking of Apple Creek and the three-session Learn to Fly Fish clinic on Oct. 13 and 16. Details of the event are available at

Katie Johnstone and Jessica Suvak-Tran will speak about a women’s fly fishing group they recently founded called Ohio Women on the Fly. They will share how their passion for fly fishing led them to create a group that brings female anglers in Ohio together and encourages more women to step into the water. They will provide insight on how the group came to be, how quickly it grew into something bigger than they could have imagined and how they will continue to grow through education, events and much more.

Meetings of the Clear Fork River Chapter of Trout Unlimited are open to the public and anyone interested in fishing and cold water fisheries preservation is encouraged to participate. Interested women anglers are especially invited to attend.

Fall still shoots

Fall still shoots at the Shreve Farmer’s Sportsman Club will be held Sundays, Oct. 17, 24 and 31. Win assorted meat prizes and cash. For more information contact Missy at 330-464-5621. The club is located at 8430 Township Road 513, Shreve.

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