Audubon Summer Camps Return, Bringing Back Fun For Local Kids


After a two year hiatus due to Covid, the Audubon Summer Camps will return this season.

“It is a youth program that focuses on nature studies,” Publicity Chairperson Susan O’Handley said in a CNY News interview. “It’s fun activities, all outdoors at the Audubon Society’s Franklin Mountain Sanctuary.”

There will be two sessions. The July 25-28 session is for children entering grades 3 and 4.  And the August 15-18 session is for youngsters entering grades 5 and 6.

“Each day might have a different theme,” O’Handley said. “They might do invertebrate studies and pond work, on another day they may do insect identification and collection, and there is always a huge number of garter snakes that live around the barn that are a big hit with students.”

The children catch snakes, put them in a glass tank, observe their behavior during the session, and then release the snakes at the end of the day.

Liz Brown and Christina DeCesare are the camp’s co-directors.  “Chris and Liz are both professional environmental educators,” O’Handley said. “They have a huge enthusiasm for the environment, outdoors conservation, and education.”

Space is limited in each session. Spots are filled in the order of registration.  The Delaware-Otsego Audubon Society offers programs open to the public, bird-watching field trips, and operates the Franklin Mountain Hawkwatch.

Parents can learn more about the program and register their children at:

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