Apollo man wins top prize in fishing tournament for paralyzed veterans


An Apollo man was the winner in the 18th annual Team Bass Tournament for disabled veterans that was held recently on the Monongahela River near West Brownsville in Washington County.

Veteran Mark Rosensteel of Apollo, president of the Keystone Paralyzed Veterans of America chapter, won the June 12 tournament with a total catch of 10.67 pounds of fish, in a boat captained by Bill Kronander. They also had the largest single bass, weighing 4.41 pounds.

A total of $1,500 was offered in prize money, with the top team receiving $500. Each of the winners also received an award plaque.

Among other area winners were veteran John Keller of Ford City, who took fifth place with a total catch of 5.28 pounds. Steve Shawley of Waynesburg was the boat captain.

John Suhan of Smithton, a boat captain, came in sixth place, thanks to veteran Frank Steck of Smock, with a total catch of 3.89 pounds.

Veteran David Gifford of Pittsburgh, placed seventh with a total catch of 2.70 pounds. Pete Evanovich of Holbrook was the boat captain.

The Keystone Chapter of the Paralyzed Veterans of America and the Greene County Bassmasters sponsored the June 12 tournament, with bass fishing boats provided by members of the Greene County Bassmasters.

The boat owners served as captains, and each disabled veteran was teamed with a boat captain, who also provided fishing equipment if needed and expertise.

Veterans who have a spinal cord injury or have a spinal cord disease are eligible to join Keystone PVA at no charge and with no obligation. Associate membership is open to people who are not paralyzed and/or not veterans at $25 annually.

Keystone PVA supports outdoor recreation such as hunting and fishing, trout fishing with Healing Waters Fly Fishing Inc., air rifle competition, wheelchair games such as basketball and bowling, as well as participating in the Veterans National Wheelchair games competition.

A second tournament, co-sponsored by the Greene County Bassmasters and Keystone PVA, will take place Sept. 10. Past participants will be invited to return and compete.

Anyone else interested in the event should call the Keystone PVA office at 412-781-2474.

Joe Napsha is a Tribune-Review staff writer. You can contact Joe at 724-836-5252, jnapsha@triblive.com or via Twitter .

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