Anglers – The Ukiah Daily Journal


How many anglers does it take to change a light bulb? A: Four, one to change the light bulb and three to brag about how big the old one was and about the one that they would have changed, but “it got away”.

Blue Lakes -The lake is loaded with trout right now and the folks that are fishing for them have been doing fairly well.  I would suggest that you fish from the Narrows toward the Blue Lakes Lodge/Pine Acres end of the lake.  Most of the trout are ten to thirty feet down. The ticket has been fishin’ off the bottom using chartreuse or pink Power Bait with sparkle in it.  Trollers have also been hooking into them with a Ford Fender trailing it with a salmon egg or an Action Disk with a fly running behind it.  Go get em’ there are a bunch of trout in the lake.

Clear Lake-  The word is that the fishing wth minnows has fair lately.  Also, the A-rig/Calabama Rig has been the number one artificial bait.  Slow draggin’ a swimbait along the bottom is a close second. ( A 3:16 Mission Fish swimbait.)  All in all though the bass fishin’ is pretty slow.  The way I look at it is; go take your boat on a beauitful day and just enjoy being out on the water soakin uop the rays. And, if youy hook in to a few bass, then that is just a bonus. The weather is so nice, is it February or is it April?  It’s hard to tell.

Lake Pillsbury – Do you want the bad news or the good news first?  Ok, here is the good news.  The trout fishing on our mountain lake has been pretty good.  Trollers has been hooking in to some real nice ones along the dam area.

Here is the bad news. The spring like weather we are having has the wildlife confused.  The Elk bulls have already started to lose their horns.  This usually happens around the second week of March.  Seem like the animals may know something?  Looks like we may be in for a drought.  Thankfully, Lake Pillsbury is is in pretty good shape right now.

Lake Sonoma – The fishin’ on Lake Sonoma has also picked some up as of late.  The small mouth bass bite has really been the best.  Try fishin’ along the dam and other areas of rocks.

*Did you know there is a Wild Steelhead Festival taking place this weekend, Feb. 12 .  This is  a celebration of the return of Wild Steelhead to the Russian River.  At the Visitors Center, rangers will host 4 hatchery tours with opportunities to see the steelhead up close as they return home to the Congressman Don Clausen fish facility run by the California Dept. of Fish and Game.  For directions and more info. go to the US Army Corps of Engineers Lake Sonoma website.

Salmon Fishing

Russian River – Boy the fishin’ pressure down south has been crazy.  Especially the Memorial and Steel Beach areas.  It is best to fish mid-week so that you avoid the crowds.  There are some nice Steelies being caught in our county.

Eel River – The south fork of the Eel River is the hot place to be fishing for Steelhead right now.  Drifting bait or pulling plugs have been working well.  Go get ‘em gang!  It doesn’t get any better than this.

Thanks for reading and remember to keep it reel.Don

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