Windham: Bluegills are a good bet for sheer fun | Columnists


As I mentioned earlier, bluegills are a great way for a beginner to learn about fishing. I have introduced many people to fishing by letting them tangle will a few bluegills, and I have never had anyone say they didn’t have fun doing it.

I prefer to use the smallest bobber I can to float the bait, which is often a piece of nightcrawler. A small hook size is also required, because bluegills don’t have that big of a mouth. They have to be able to get their mouth around the bait and hook to be caught.

I like to suspend the bait 12 to 16 inches below the bobber, depending on the body of water I’m fishing and water clarity. I cast out my bait near something that offers cover or shade for fish. Submerged rocks, trees, submerged brush or a weed bed are all prime bluegill habitat. If there are fish in the area, it won’t take them long to find the bait.

Bluegills like to strike from underneath the bait and inhale it is a single gulp. A light flick of the wrist is all it takes to set the hook. The battle is on and so is the fun.

Using a fly rod to catch bluegill is another great way to have fun. If you are just learning how to use fly fishing equipment, then bluegill offer an excellent way to do your homework. Bluegills don’t care if you have a perfect backcast, or if your elbow ends up at the correct angle on your follow through. They’re hungry, and as long as you get something interesting near them, they will investigate.

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